Rüzgar Miroğlu

Anatomy 3

First Year Final Exam Questions

Second Year Final Exam Questions




More www.ruzgarimiroglu.tr.gg





Label the names of arteries, nerves, dermatomes, muscles, and bones by Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. www.lumen.luc.edu


Sample Exam Questions

Note: Photographing cadavers is not permitted, so we cannot post practice cadaver questions online. Please be aware that at least half the questions in Exams 2-4 will be on the cadavers or cadaver organs in trays (brains, hearts, etc.).

BIO223: Human Anatomy

University of North Carolina Asheville

Chris Nicolay, Ph.D.

phone: 232-5149

office: 314 Zeis Hall

Note: these files are intended ONLY for personal study and review by students who are currently enrolled in BIO223 (Human Anatomy) at UNC-Asheville. Material may not be redistributed without permission.  These files are not a substitute for coming to class, paying attention, and taking good notes yourself.  Final versions of the notes from lecture will be posted after they are presented in class.




L01: Intro

L02: Epithelium

L03: Connective Tissue, Muscle, Nerve

L04: Skin

L05: Epidermal Outgrowths

L06: Bone Tissue

L07: Bone Remodeling, Ossification, and Growth

L08: Axial Skeleton

L09: Appendicular Skeleton

L10: Joints and Articulations

     Background -- Medical Imaging

L11: Movement

L12: Innervation

L13: Upper Limb

L14a:  Bipedal Walking

L14b:  Anatomy of Lower Limb

<< end of material for midterm >>

L15: Spinal Cord

L16: Brain1

L17: Brain2

L18: Cranial Nerves

L19: Blood Vessels

L20: Heart

L21: Lymphatic System

<< end of material for Exam #3 >>

L22: Upper Respiratory System

L23: Lower Respiratory System

L24: Digestive System

L25: Urogenital and Reproductive Anatomy

<< end of material for Final Exam >>





























Lab01: Anatomical Terms; Histology

Lab02: Membranes and Integument

Lab03: Axial Skeleton

     Axial Skeleton pictures (big, unlabeled)

Lab04: Appendicular Skeleton

     More Appendicular pictures (unlabeled)

<< Lab Practical Exam #1 >>

Lab05: Dissection of Back and Shoulder

Lab06: Upper and Lower Limb Dissection

Lab07: Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerves

     Cat Anatomy Self-Quizzes [external link]

     More Cat Anatomy  Quizzes [external link]

     Photos of Cat Muscles (unlabeled)


<< Lab Practical Exam #2 >>

Lab08: Brain and Cranial Nerves

Lab09: Heart, Thorax, and Neck

       Cranial Nerve Homework Assignment

Lab10: Abdomen and Pelvis

Lab11: Head and Neck, review

      WEB: Cat Internal Organs

      WEB: Cat Anatomy



Study Guide, Exam #1

Practice Quiz: Histology

Slides of Integument

Bone Histology

Practice Quiz: Basic Skeleton 1

Practice Quiz: Basic Skeleton 2

HO: Whole Skeleton (labeled in detail)

HO: Vertebrae and Chest (unlabeled)

HO: Assorted Skulls (unlabeled)

HO: Various Skeletons (unlabeled)

HO: Forensic Analysis of Skeleton

Practice Quiz: Skull 1 (anterior)

Practice Quiz: Skull 2 (basal)

Practice Quiz: Skull 3 (lateral)

HO: Synovial Joint structures

HO: Muscles, whole body (labeled in detail)

HO: Muscles, upper limb (unlabeled)

HO: Muscles, lower limb (unlabeled)

Practice Quiz: Muscles 1

Practice Quiz: Muscles 2

Practice Quiz: Muscles 3

Practice Quiz: Muscles 4

Practice Quiz: Muscles 5


HO: Foramina and Cranial Nerves

Practice Quiz: Cranial Nerves

Practice Quiz: Brain1

Practice Quiz: Brain2

Practice Quiz: Brain MRI

Practice Quiz: Mediastinum

Practice Quiz: Heart

Practice Quiz: Foramina - Cranial Nerves (basal)

Practice Quiz: Foramina - Cranial Nerves (internal)


Practice Quiz: Cat Internal Organs1

Practice Quiz: Cat Internal Organs2

Practice Quiz: Reproductive System (human)

Practice Quiz: Head and Neck (sagittal section)

HO: Pharynx, Head and Neck (labeled in detail)

HO: Respiratory and Digestive Organs (labeled in detail)

HO: Reproductive System (labeled in detail)

HO: Male and Female Reproductive (unlab

Anatomy Drill and Practice

An Introduction to the Human Body

The anatomical position

Planes of the human body

Directional terms

The abdominopelvic cavity

Regions and quadrants of the abdominopelvic cavity, Anterior view showing nine abdominopelvic regions

Regions and quadrants of the abdominopelvic cavity, Anterior view showing quadrants of the abdominopelvic cavity

The Chemical Level of Organization

DNA molecule, Portion of a DNA molecule

Atomic structures of several stable atoms

Structures of ATP and ADP

The Cellular Level of Organization

Generalized view of a body cell

Plasma membrane depicting the fluid mosaic arrangement of lipids and proteins

The Tissue Level of Organization

Cell junctions

Surfaces of epithelial cells and the structure of the basement membrane

The Integumentary System

Layers of the epidermis

Components of the integumentary system

Hair and surrounding structures

Nails, Sagittal section showing internal detail

The Skeletal System: Bone Tissue

Types of cells in bone tissue

Parts of long bone, Partially sectioned humerus (arm bone)

Histology of compact and spongy bone, Osteons (Haversian systems) in compact bone and trabeculae in spongy bone

The Skeletal System: The Axial System

Divisions of the skeletal system, Anterior view

Division of the skeletal system, Posterior view

Skull, Anterior view

Skull, Right lateral view

Skull, Sagittal section

Ethmoid bone

Skull, Inferior view

Sphenoid bone, Anterior view


Paranasal sinuses

Nasal septum

Cervical vertebrae

Vertebral column, Anterior view

Vertebral column, Right lateral view

Structure of a typical vertebra, as illustrated by a thoracic vertebra, Superior view

Structure of a typical vertebra, as illustrated by a thoracic vertebra, Right posterolateral view of articulated vertebrae

Sacrum and coccyx

Skeleton of thorax

The structure of ribs

The Skeletal System: The Appendicular Skeleton

Right pectoral (shoulder) girdle, Anterior view

Right pectoral (shoulder) girdle, Posterior view

Right scapula (shoulder blade), Posterior view

Right upper limb

Right humerus in relation to the scapula, ulna, and radius, Anterior and Posterior views

Right ulna and radius in relation to the humerus and carpals, Anterior and Posterior views

Articulations formed by the ulna and radius, Medial view in relation to humerus

Articulations formed by the ulna and radius, Lateral view of proximal end of ulna

Articulations formed by the ulna and radius, Inferior view of distal ends of radius and ulna

Right wrist and hand in relation to the ulna and radius

Bony pelvis

Right hip bone, Detailed lateral view

Right lower limb

Right femur in relation to the hip bone, patella, tibia, and fibula

Right tibia and fibula in relation to the femur, patella, and talus, Anterior view

Right foot, Superior and Inferior views

The arches of right foot


Structure of a typical synovial joint

Right shoulder (humeroscapular or glenohumeral) joint, Anterior view

Right shoulder (humeroscapular or glenohumeral) joint, Frontal view

Right elbow joint, Medial aspect

Right elbow joint, Lateral aspect

Right hip (coxal) joint, Anterior view

Right hip (coxal) joint, Frontal section

Right hip (coxal) joint, Posterior view

Right knee (tibiofemoral) joint, Posterior deep view

Right knee (tibiofemoral) joint, Sagittal section

Right knee (tibiofemoral) joint, Anterior deep view

Muscle Tissue

Organization of skeletal muscle and its connective tissue coverings

Structure of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber, NMJ

The Muscular System

Principal superficial skeletal muscles, Anterior view (Part 1)

Principal superficial skeletal muscles, Anterior view (Part 2)

Principal superficial skeletal muscles, Posterior view (Part 1)

Principal superficial skeletal muscles, Posterior view (Part 2)

Muscles of the facial expression, Anterior superficial and deep views

Muscles of the facial expression, Right lateral superficial view

Extrinsic muscles of the eyeball

Muscles that move the mandible

Muscles that move the tongue

Muscles of the floor of the oral cavity and front of the neck

Triangles of the neck

Muscles of the male anterolateral abdominal wall

Muscles used in breathing, as seen in male, Anterior superficial view

Muscles used in breathing, as seen in male, Anterior deep view

Muscles of the female perineum

Muscles of the male perineum

Muscles that move the pectoral (shoulder) girdle

Muscles that move the humerus (arm), Anterior deep view

Muscles that move the humerus (arm), Posterior superficial view and Posterior deep view

Muscles that move the radius and ulna (forearm)

Muscles that move the radius and ulna (forearm),superior view of transverse section of arm

Muscles that move the wrist, hand, and digits, Anterior superficial and deep views

Muscles that move the wrist, hand, and digits, Posterior superficial and deep views

Intrinsic muscles of the hand

Muscles that move the vertebral column (backbone), Posterior view

Muscles that move the vertebral column (backbone), Posterolateral view

Muscles that move the vertebral column (backbone), Anterior view

Muscles that move the femur (thigh), Anterior superficial view

Muscles that move the femur (thigh), Anterior deep view

Muscles that move the femur (thigh), Posterior superficial view

Muscles that act on the femur (thigh) and tibia and fibula (leg), Transverse section of thigh

Muscles that move the foot and toes, Posterior deep and superficial views

Muscles that move the foot and toes, Anterior superficial and Right lateral superficial views

Intrinsic muscles of the foot

Nervous Tissue

Structure of a typical neuron, Parts of a motor neuron

Structure of a typical neuron, Sections through a myelinated axon

Structural classification of neurons

The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

Gross anatomy of the spinal cord

Internal anatomy of the spinal cord and the spinal nerves

Posterior view of entire spinal cord and portions of spinal nerves

Internal anatomy of the spinal cord: the organization of gray matter and white matter

The locations of selected sensory and motor tracts, shown in a transverse section of the spinal cord

Organization and connective tissue coverings of a spinal nerve

Branches of a typical spinal nerve, shown in transverse section through the thoracic portion of the spinal cord

Brachial plexus in anterior view, Distribution of nerves from brachial plexus (Part 1)

Brachial plexus in anterior view, Distribution of nerves from brachial plexus (Part 2)

Lumbar plexus in anterior view, Origin of lumbar plexus

Lumbar plexus in anterior view, Distribution of nerves from the lumbar and sacral plexuses

Sacral plexus in anterior view

Cervical plexus in anterior view

The Brain and Cranial Nerves

Sagittal section of brain, medial view

The protective coverings of the brain

Location of ventricles with a "transparent" brain, Right lateral view of brain

Pathways of circulating cerebrospinal fluid, Sagittal section of brain and spinal cord

Pathways of circulating cerebrospinal fluid, Frontal section of brain and spinal cord

Medulla oblongata in relation to the rest of the brain stem, Interior aspect of brain

Internal anatomy of the medulla oblongata, Transverse section and anterior surface of medulla oblongata

Midbrain, Posterior view of midbrain in relation to brain stem (Part 1)

Midbrain, Posterior view of midbrain in relation to brain stem (Part 2)

Cerebellum, Superior view

Cerebellum, Interior view

Cerebellum, Midsagittal section of cerebellum and brain stem

Thalamus, Right lateral view showing thalamic nuclei

Hypothalamus, Sagittal section of brain showing hypothalamic nuclei

Cerebrum, Superior view

Cerebrum, Right lateral view

Basal ganglia, Lateral view of right side of brain

Basal ganglia, Anterior view of frontal section

Components of the limbic system and surrounding structures, Sagittal section

Functional areas of the cerebrum, Lateral view of right cerebral hemisphere

Development of the brain and spinal cord, 3-4 week embryo showing primary brain vesicles

Development of the brain and spinal cord, 5 week embryo showing secondary brain vesicles, Lateral view of right side.

Summary of Cranial Nerves

Sensory, Motor, and Integrative Systems

Structure and location of sensory receptors in the skin and subcutaneous layer

Two types of proprioceptors, Muscle spindle

Two types of proprioceptors, Tendon organ

Somatic sensory pathways, Posterior pathway

Somatic sensory pathways, Anterolateral pathway

The Special Senses

Olfactory epithelium and olfactory receptors, Sagittal view

Olfactory epithelium and olfactory receptors, Enlarged aspect of olfactory receptors

The relationship of gustatory receptors in taste buds to tongue papillae, Dorsum of tongue showing location of paillae and taste zones

Accessory structures of the eye, Sagittal view of eye and its accessory structures

Accessory structures of the eye, Anterior view of the lacrimal apparatus

Gross structure of the eyeball, Superior view of transverse section of right eyeball (Part 1)

Gross structure of the eyeball, Superior view of transverse section of right eyeball (Part 2)

Structure of rod and cone photoreceptors

Structure of the ear, illustrated in a frontal section through the right ear and skull

The right middle ear containing the auditory ossicles, Frontal section showing location of auditory ossicles

The right internal ear

Semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea of the right ear, Sections through the cochlea

Semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea of the right ear, Components of the vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve

Location and structure of receptors in the maculae of the right ear, Overall structure of a section of the macula

Location and structure of the membranous semicircular ducts of the right ear, Details of a crista

The Autonomic Nervous System

Autonomic plexuses in the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis

The Endocrine System

Location of many endocrine glands

Hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and their blood supply

Location, blood supply, and histology of the thyroid gland, Anterior view

Location, blood supply, and histology of the parathyroid glands, Posterior view

Location, blood supply, and histology of the adrenal (suprarenal) glands, Anterior view

Location, blood supply, and histology of the pancreas

The Cardiovascular System: The Blood

Origin, development, and structure of blood cells

The Cardiovascular System: The Heart

Structure of the heart: surface features, Anterior external view showing external features

Structure of the heart: surface features, Posterior external view showing external features

Structure of the heart: internal anatomy

Coronary (cardiac) circulation, Anterior view of coronary arteries

Coronary (cardiac) circulation, Anterior view of coronary veins

Histology of cardiac muscle, Cardiac muscle fibers

Histology of cardiac muscle, Cardiac myofibrils

The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

Comparative structure of blood vessels, Artery, Vein

Comparative structure of blood vessels, Capillary

Arteriole, capillaries, and venule, Sphincters relaxed: blood flowing through capillary bed

Aorta and its principal branches, Overall anterior view of the principal branches of the aorta (Part 1)

Aorta and its principal branches, Overall anterior view of the principal branches of the aorta (Part 2)

Aorta and its principal branches, Detailed anterior view of the principal branches of the aorta

Arch of the aorta and its principal branches, Right lateral view of brachiocephalic trunk in neck and head

Arch of the aorta and its principal branches, Anterior view of branches of brachiocephalic trunk in upper limb

Arch of the aorta and its branches, Inferior view of base of brain showing cerebral arterial circle

Thoracic and abdominal aorta and their principal branches (Part 1)

Thoracic and abdominal aorta and their principal branches (Part 2)

Abdominal aorta and its principal branches, Anterior view of celiac trunk and its branches (Part 1)

Abdominal aorta and its principal branches, Anterior view of celiac trunk and its branches (Part 2)

Abdominal aorta and its principal branches, Anterior view of superior mesenteric artery and its branches

Abdominal aorta and its principal branches, Anterior view of inferior mesenteric artery and its branches

Arteries of the pelvis and right lower limb, Anterior and Inferior views (Part 1)

Arteries of the pelvis and right lower limb, Anterior and Inferior views (Part 2)

Principal veins (Part 1)

Principal veins (Part 2)

Principal veins (Part 3)

Principal veins of the head and neck, Right lateral view

Principal veins of the right upper limb, Posterior view of superficial veins of the hand

Principal veins of the right upper limb, Anterior view of superficial veins

Principal veins of the right upper limb, Anterior view of deep veins

Principal veins of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis (Part 1)

Principal veins of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis (Part 2)

Principal veins of the pelvic region

Principal veins of the lower limbs

The Lymphatic System, Nonspecific Resistance to Disease, and Immunity

Components of the lymphatic system

Lymphatic capillaries, Relationship of lymphatic capillaries to tissue cells and blood capillaries

Lymphatic capillaries, Details of lymphatic capillary

Routes for drainage of lymph from lymph trunks into thoracic and right lymphatic ducts, Overall anterior view

Schematic diagram showing the relationship of the lymphatic system to the cadiovascular system

Thymus gland, Thymus gland of adolescent

Structure of lymph node, Partially sectioned lymph node

Structure of the spleen, Visceral surface

Structure of the spleen, Internal Structure

The Respiratory System

Structures of the respiratory system

Respiratory structures in the head and neck, Anterolateral view of external portion of nose showing cartilaginous and bony framework

Respiratory structures in the head and neck, Sagittal section of the left side of the head and neck showing the location of respiratory structures (Part 1)

Respiratory structures in the head and neck, Sagittal section of the left side of the head and neck showing the location of respiratory structures (Part 2)

Pharynx, Sagittal section of the regions of the pharynx

Larynx, Anterior View, Posterior View

Larynx, Sagittal section

Branching of airways from the trachea; the bronchial tree

Surface anatomy of the lungs, Medial view

Surface anatomy of the lungs, Lateral view

Microscopic anatomy of a lobule of the lungs, Diagram of a portion of a lobule of the lung

Structural components and function of an alveolus, Transverse section of an alveolus showing its cellular components

The Digestive System

Organs of the digestive system (Part 1)

Organs of the digestive system (Part 2)

Three-dimensional depiction of the various layers of the gastrointestinal tract

Relationship of the peritoneal folds to each other and to organs of the digestive system, Sagittal section showing the peritoneal folds

Structures of the mouth (oral cavity), Anterior view

Major salivary glands, Location of salivary glands

A typical tooth and surrounding structures, Sagittal section of a mandibular (lower) molar

Dentitions and times of eruptions, Permanent (secondary) dentition

External and internal view of the stomach, Anterior view of regions of the stomach

Histology of the stomach, Layers of the stomach

Relation of the pancreas to the liver, gallbladder, and duodenum, Anterior view

Histology of a lobule, the functional unit of the liver, Portion of a liver lobule

Anatomy of the small intestine

Anatomy of large intestine, Anterior view of large intestine showing principal subdivisions

Anatomy of large intestine, Frontal section of anal canal

Histology of the large intestine


A lipoprotein

The Urinary System

Organs of the urinary system, Anterior view

Internal anatomy of the kidneys, Frontal section of right kidney

The structure of the nephrons (colored and gold) and associated blood vessels, Cortical nephron and vascular supply (Part 1)

The structure of the nephrons (colored and gold) and associated blood vessels, Cortical nephron and vascular supply (Part 2)

The structure of the nephrons (colored and gold) and associated blood vessels, Juxtamedullary nephron and vascular supply (Part 1)

The structure of the nephrons (colored and gold) and associated blood vessels, Juxtamedullary nephron and vascular supply (Part 2)

Histology of a renal corpuscle, Renal corpuscle (internal view)

The filtration (endothelial-capsular) membrane, Details of the filtration membrane

Ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra (shown in a female), Anterior view of frontal section.

The Reproductive Systems

Meiosis, reproductive cell division

Male organs of reproduction and surrounding structures, Sagittal section (Part 1)

Male organs of reproduction and surrounding structures, Sagittal section (Part 2)

The scrotum, the supporting structure for the testes (Part 1)

The scrotum, the supporting structure for the testes (Part 2)

Internal and external anatomy of a testis, Sagittal section of a testis showing seminiferous tubules

Microscopic anatomy of the seminiferous tubules and stages of sperm production (spermatogenesis), Transverse section of a portion of seminiferous tubule.

Locations of several accessory reproductive organs in males (Part 1)

Locations of several accessory reproductive organs in males (Part 2)

Internal structure of the penis, Frontal and Transverse sections

Organs of reproduction and surrounding structures in females, Sagittal section (Part 1)

Organs of reproduction and surrounding structures in females, Sagittal section (Part 2)

Relative positions of the ovaries, the uterus, and the ligaments that support them (Part 1)

Relative positions of the ovaries, the uterus, and the ligaments that support them (Part 2)

Histology of the ovary

Relationship of the uterine (Fallopian) tubes to the ovaries, uterus, and associated structures (Part 1)

Relationship of the uterine (Fallopian) tubes to the ovaries, uterus, and associated structures (Part 2)

Components of the vulva (pudendum), Inferior view

Perineum of a female, Inferior view

Mammary glands

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