Module One - Lecture Notes
A poison is a substance which interferes with the functions of the body cells and vital organs. Its ultimate effect depends upon the dose and the length of time it is in contact with the cells.
The organs most likely to be attacked are :-
- The blood itself
- The liver
- The kidneys
- The brain and nervous system.
Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, the disease can be caused by tens of thousands of chemicals and apparently harmless substances, what may cause dermatitis to one person may not cause it to another.
There are four kinds of risks:
- Primary irritants – chemicals that are harmful in their own right
- Substances that remove the oil from the skin, solvents, thinners, etc.
- Substances causing allergic reactions
- Heat and radiation.
Dust entering the lungs can be very dangerous. If the dust contains concentrations of various chemicals it can destroy the tissues of the lungs, the alveoli and also destroyed preventing the blood from absorbing oxygen.
Pneumoconiosis is the name given to a group of lung diseases caused by dust containing poisonous substance. They include:
Silicosis (Silica)
Asbestosis (asbestos fibers)
Byssinosis (catton)
Other lung diseases are bronchitis, asthma, emphysema.
Introduction to Toxicology (1)
The organs most likely to be attacked are :-
Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, the disease can be caused by tens of thousands of chemicals and apparently harmless substances, what may cause dermatitis to one person may not cause it to another.
There are four kinds of risks:
Dust entering the lungs can be very dangerous. If the dust contains concentrations of various chemicals it can destroy the tissues of the lungs, the alveoli and also destroyed preventing the blood from absorbing oxygen.
Pneumoconiosis is the name given to a group of lung diseases caused by dust containing poisonous substance. They include:
Silicosis (Silica)
Asbestosis (asbestos fibers)
Byssinosis (catton)
Other lung diseases are bronchitis, asthma, emphysema.
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Topics :
1-acute poisining –poisons, general principles,epidemiology
2-pathogeneses of poisoning
3-general management of the acute poisoning
4-antidotes of acute poisoning-mechanism of action,application rules
5-emergency aid in acute poisoning-physician’s conduct and line of action
6-acute toxiz pharyngo laryngo tracheobronchitis
7-toxic pneumonia and toxic pulmonary edema
8-ammonia inhalation
9-halogenide acute poisoning
10-carbon monoxide acute poisoning
11-cyanide acute poisoning
12-benzodiazepine acute poisoning
13-intoxication with antidepressants
14-neuroleptic intoxication
15-opioid acute poisoning
16-paracetamol intoxication
17-acetysal acute poisoning
18-atropin acute p.
19-digitalis acute p.
20-organophosphorus biocide acute p.
21-chlororganic biocide acute p.
22-carbamate biocide acute p.
23-petrol acute p.-oral and respiratory exposure
24-tetrachlormethan acute p.
25-ethylene glycol acute p.specific features
26-ethanol acute p.
28-methanol acute p.specific features
29-ergotamine acute p.
30-snake-bite acute p. (envenomation)
31-amanito-phalloide acute mushroom intoxication
32-mushroom gastro-intestinal irritation
33-muscarin mushroom p.
34-micoatropin mushroom p.
35-corrosives-acid and alkali acute p.
36-toxoallery and shock –clinical presentation and treatment
Ruzgar Miroglu