Rüzgar Miroğlu


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Downloadable Pathology Microscopic Slides documents and information.

3- http://www.4shared.com/document/MIQ1l0x8/present3.html

4- http://www.4shared.com/document/aOJSzM1F/present4.html

6- http://www.4shared.com/document/3s6-2lk3/present6.html

7- http://www.4shared.com/document/6XlHiSI7/present7.html

8- http://www.4shared.com/document/jiLKDMZG/present8.html


10- http://www.4shared.com/document/ZK_-Qhk0/spisak_makroskopski_preparati_.html




1- http://rmoskowitz.tripod.com/m6_content.htm

2- http://www.fsm.ac.fj/pws/lnbp/frameset.htm





8-http://www.4shared.com/file/172902838/f827bf69/RM_Pathology.html (moru bunu indireceksin)

Those link is from Medical school of Plovdiv




Robbins Basic Pathology, 8th Edition
Publisher: Saunders; 8 edition | ISBN : 1416029737 | May 17, 2007 | 960 pages | CHM | 228MB

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Robbins Basic Pathology, 8th Edition
 Robbins Basic Pathology, 8th Edition/

All: 228.8Mb (3 files)

Essentials of Rubin's Pathology (Rubin, Essential Pathology)




List of preparationsFinal test for microscopic pathology in common
III medical course

1. Degeneratio adiposa hepatic
2. Degeneratio adiposa hepatic - Sudan III
3. Anthracosis pulmonis
4. Haemosiderosis pulmonis - H.E.
5. Haemosiderosis pulmonis - Perls
6. Icterus hepatis
7. Icterus renis
8. Naevus pigmentosus
9. Degeneratio mucoidaea - T.B.
10. Corpus albicans ovarii
11. Hyalinosis arteriolarum renis
12. Hypertonia arterialis (cerebrum)
13. Amyloidosis renis - H.E.
14. Amyloidosis renis - Congo rot
15. Amyloidosis lienis
16. Tophi urici
17. Necrosis coagulativa lienis (Infarctus ischaemicus lienis)
18. Necrosis colliquativa cerebri (Infarctus ischaemicus cerebri)
19. Steatonecrosis pancreatis
20. Hypertrophia myocardii
21. Hyperplasia mucosae uteri glandularis cystica
22. Hyperplasia glandulae prostatae
23. Atrophia fusca hepatis
24. Cyanosis hepatis
25. Hepar muschatum
26. Haemorrhagiae punctatae cerebri
27. Oedema cutis
28. Oedema pulmonis
29. Thrombus mixtus
30. Infarctus anaemicus renis
31. Infarctus haemorrhagicus pulmonis
32. Pericarditis fibrinosa
33. Leptomeningitis purulenta
34. Appendicitis phlegmonosa
35. Myocarditis acuta abscedens
36. Granulatio
37. Polypus nasalis
38. Granuloma typus corporis alieni
39. Echinococcus hepatis
40. Lymphadenitis tuberculosa
41. Mesaortitis luetica
42. Actinomycosis
43. Cicatrix myocardii

44. Struma lymphomatosa (Thyreoiditis Hashimoto)
45. Papilloma cavi oris
46. Carcinoma basocellulare
47. Carcinoma planocellulare (spinocellulare) keratodes
48. Carcinoma urotelialis vesicae urinariae
49. Adenoma pleomorphae glandulae parotis
50. Adenocarcinoma ventriculi
51. Lipoma
52. Haemangioma cavernosum hepatis
53. Haemangioma capillarae cutis
54. Leiomyoma uteri
55. Leiomyosarcoma
56. Teratoma adultum

List of macroscopical preparations

1. Sago spleen
2. Cavernous hemangiomas of the liver
3. Brain hemorrhage
4. Pinpoint bleeding in the brain white matter
5. Ischemic infarction of kidney
6. Ischemic infarction of spleen
7. Obturirasht thrombus in abdominal aorta
8. Brown induration and haemorrhagic infarcts of the lung
9. Krupozna pneumonia
10. Fatty degeneration of liver
11. Muscat liver
12. Fibrinozen pericarditis
13. Hypertensive heart
14. Recent myocardial infarction
15. Frosting spleen
16. Amyloid nephrotic (large white kidney)
17. Hyperplasia of prostate and bladder kalkuloza
18. Pleural shvarta
19. Antrakoza of lung
20. Pleomorfen salivary gland adenoma / mixed tumor /
21. Flegmonozen appendicitis
22. Pyogenic leptomeningit
23. Teratoma of the ovary
24. Hydrocephalus

List of macroscopical preparations for the final test in General Pathology III medical course

1. Sago spleen
2. Cavernous hemangiomas of the liver
3. Brain hemorrhage
4. Pinpoint bleeding in the brain white matter
5. Ischemic infarction of kidney
6. Ischemic infarction of spleen
7. Obturirasht thrombus in abdominal aorta
8. Brown induration and haemorrhagic infarcts of the lung
9. Krupozna pneumonia
10. Fatty degeneration of liver
11. Muscat liver
12. Fibrinozen pericarditis
13. Hypertensive heart
14. Recent myocardial infarction
15. Frosting spleen
16. Amyloid nephrotic (large white kidney)
17. Hyperplasia of prostate and bladder kalkuloza
18. Pleural shvarta
19. Antrakoza of lung
20. Pleomorfen salivary gland adenoma / mixed tumor /
21. Flegmonozen appendicitis
22. Pyogenic leptomeningit
23. Teratoma of the ovary
24. Hydrocephalus

Systemic Pathology Lectures

11-Blood Vessels
12-The Heart
13-Red Blood Cells and Bleeding Disorders
14-Diseases of White Blood Cells, Lymph Nodes, Spleen, and Thymus
15-The Lung
16-Head and Neck
17-The Gastrointestinal Tract
18-The Liver and Biliary Tract
19-The Pancreas
20-The Kidney
21-The Lower Urinary Tract and the Male Genital Tract
22-The Female Genital Tract
23-The Breast
24-The Endocrine System
25-The Skin
26-Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors
27-Peripheral Nerve and Skeletal Muscle
28-The Central Nervous System
29-The Eye









Benign Leukocytoses
Acute Leukemia
Chronic Leukemia
Lymphoma and Myeloma
Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders
Nervous System Pathology
Developmental Pathology
Endocrine Pathology
Cell Injury and Adaptation
Inflammation [2]
Tissue Repair
Immunology overview
Neoplasia I (II)
Cardiovascular Pathology
Hypersensitivity Reactions
Immunologic Laboratory Tests

Transfusion pathology
Transplant immunology
Immune diseases
Respiratory Pathology
Renal Pathology
Gastrointestinal Pathology
Female Reproductive Pathology
Male Reproductive Pathology

About Cancer:
Cancer Basics

Ruzgar Miroglu
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