Rüzgar Miroğlu

Gynaecology 2



Gynecology Lectures

  1. Anterior Vaginal Wall Cyst
  2. Chronic Pelvic Pain
  3. Celiac Disease in Women
  4. Premenstrual Changes (PMC)
  5. Unusual Foreign Body in Vagina
  6. Pelvic Pain - Hemoperitoneum
  7. Female Genital Tuberculosis
  8. Vaginal Atrophy
  9. Pap Smears
  10. Assessment of Amenorrhea
  11. Complications of Hysteroscopy
  12. Art of Counseling: gynecology
  13. Management of Uterine Leiomyomas
  14. Stages of Reproductive Aging
  15. Back Pain: Gynecologic Facts & Myths
  16. Puberty
  17. Intersexuality
  18. Management of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  19. Predictability of Genital TB by Hysterosalpingography
  20. Clinical guidelines for evaluation and management of amenorrhea
  21. Evidence-Based Diagnosis
  22. Vulvodynia
  23. Leiomyoma: an overview
  24. Menorrhagia - an overview
  25. Bacterial Vaginosis
  26. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  27. Hymenoplasty
  28. Genital Self Examination (GSE)
  29. Post-Menopausal Bleeding
  30. Domestic Violence
  31. GnRH agonist in Gynaecology (GnRHa)
  32. Female Migraines
  33. Vulvovaginal Infection Review
  34. Adenomyosis
  35. Hydatidiform (Vesicular) Mole
  36. Sexually Transmitted Infections
  37. Guidelines for the Management of Menorrhagia
  38. AIDS in Adolescents and Youngsters
  39. A Psycho-physical Assess. of Somatosensory Changes in Healthy Women
  40. Fibrocystic Breast Disease
  41. Principles of Weight Management
  42. Gynecologic Care of the Special Needs Patient
  43. A Case of Prolapsed Uterus with Stone Bladder
  44. Post Operative Adhesions and Prevention
  45. An Unusual Complication at Laparoscopy
  46. A Case of Prolapsed Uterus with Calcified Fibroid
  47. A Case of Urethral Diverticulum with Multiple Stones
  48. Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
  49. Plastic Surgery of Vulva and Vagina
  50. Vaginal Hysterectomy: Modified Safe Technique

    Gynecology Lectures

    1. Anterior Vaginal Wall Cyst
    2. Chronic Pelvic Pain
    3. Celiac Disease in Women
    4. Premenstrual Changes (PMC)
    5. Unusual Foreign Body in Vagina
    6. Pelvic Pain - Hemoperitoneum
    7. Female Genital Tuberculosis
    8. Vaginal Atrophy
    9. Pap Smears
    10. Assessment of Amenorrhea
    11. Complications of Hysteroscopy
    12. Art of Counseling: gynecology
    13. Management of Uterine Leiomyomas
    14. Stages of Reproductive Aging
    15. Back Pain: Gynecologic Facts & Myths
  52. Infertility and Homoeopathy – Dr Shiva Kumar

    Infertility in female

    Labour – Dr  Prema D’cunha

    Contraception & lactation

    Fibroids, leiomyoma miasmatic aspect

    Leiomyoma – Dr. Shara Lobo

    Leucorrhoea and its homoeopathic therapeutics – Dr Poornima G

    Mother and Child Health – Scope & Limitations of Homoeopathic Medicines in hastening labour, smooth and uncomplicated vaginal delivery – Dr. P. A. Chowdhary

    Polycystic Ovarian Disease Homoeopathy Therapeutics

    Pregnancy related acts rules & regulations – Dr. Prashanth Hegde

    Scope of Homoeopathic medicines for preventing complications during antenatal period -Dr.Shaila.M.Udachankar

    Role of Homoeopathic constitutional medicine for maintaining normal pregnancy – Dr.S.M.Udachankar

    Puerperal problems

    Puerperial complications and Homoeopathy– Dr Shilpa Sharma

    Recent advancement in diagnosis of pregnancy, general instructions, health check up,general management with modern investigationsDr. N D shah

    Seethalayam introduction – Dr Balachandran G S

    Therapeutics of female infertility

    Endometriosis – Dr Shivakumar

    Gender identity disorders

    Seethalayam Calicut Inauguration

    Antepartum haemorrhage

    Hyperemesis gravidarum

    Laws relating to women of india – Seethalayam Kerala

    Homoeopathic Approach on InfertilityDr. Vilma D’ Souza


    Chemotherapy in Gynaecology

    Antenatal care – Dr.Prashanth Hegde

    Correlation of Mother’s History during Pregnancy with the State of Health of the Child – Dr. Jayesh Dhingreja 

    Homoeopathy for Mother and Child, a Study in Reference to MCH Camp – Dr. Mala Manna

    Pain management in labor – Dr Abhay Talwalkar

    Scope of homoeopathy in promoting, protecting & maintaining health of mother & child an overview – Dr. Dinesh Rao

    National campaign on Healthy mother happy child – Experience sharing - Dr.  Malini  Vijay Desai

    Campaign on Homoeopathy for Healthy Mother & Happy Child (Experiences of Delhi State) – Dr. Surender Verma

    Breast feeding methods

    Breast feeding – complimentary feeding

    Repertorial  approach for carcinoma of cervix

    Carcinoma Cervix – therapeutics

    Complications during 1ST,2ND And 3RD trimester of pregnancy – Dr. N D Shah


    Seethalayam – modus operandi – Dr Jessy uthup

    Common  Complications After Delivery – Dr Latha Sharma

    Dysmenorrhoea and Homoeopathy

    Endometriosis and Adenomyosis – Dr Aisha J Hassan

    Fibroid with Homoeopathic Therapeutics

    Homoeopathic management of complications after delivery

    Classification by American Fertility Society – Adia K Hamza

    Clinical features in Gynaecology – Afisa Rahman

    Therapeutics of Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy – Athira.A.R

    Vulvar infections – Bettina S Pratap

    Breast feeding – an over view – Dr.T.D.Hemachandran

    Efficacy of homeopathy in pregnancy care – Dr.B.Venu

    Healthy mother and happy child programme (malayalam) – Dr.Janardhan

    Common gynaecological disorders – Dr Kakoli Basu

    Complaints during post natal period & scope of homeopathy Dr Roy Zachariah

    Reproductive growth in females - Dr P Thankamma

    Endometriosis – Sadam nava, Adiya etc


    Management of endometriosis Akhila G S

    Polycystic ovarian disease and homeopathy – Dr. Preethi A John

    Postnatal care & complications during post natal period Dr Sarita Umadi

    Endometriosis – diagnosis & differential diagnosis – Ajeesha Vasudevan

    Metrorrhagia & homeopathy – Rina C P

    Uterine fibroids – Jomon, Lubna, Roshini & Arifa

    Healthy mother and child through Homeopathy (Malayalam) – Dr. Jemuna Director of Homoeopathy

    Hyperemesis gravidarum & Homoeopathy – Janani Tamilnadu

    Homeopathy in habitual abortion

    Mental aberrations due to women harassment & Homeopathy management – Dr.S.Gopinadhan

    Mental health problems of women - Dr.L.Krishnaprasad Sreedhar

    Gender based violence & Bhoomika Project Kerala – Dr.A.Reghu

    Relevance of Gender in planning – Dr.Mridul Eapen

    Seethalayam – women health care centre – Modus operandi Dr.Balachandran Nair

    Women welfare programmes in Kerala C.K.Raghavan Unni 

    Ante partum haemorrhage – Dr.Usha Sadashivan

    ARDS in obstetrics Dr.Pramodhyni.D

    Avoiding complications at laproscopy – Dr.Ambarisha Bhandiwad

    Diseases of the cervix including tumors - Dr.Bettina S Pratap

    Caesarian section – merits & demerits – Dr.Elizabeth Iype

    Surgery of ovarian cancer – Dr.K.Chitrathara

    Mangemnet of breech Prof.Valsamma Chacko & Dr.Anupama.R

    Conduct of labor – Dr.N.Syamala

    Management of intrauterine growth retardation – What is new? – Dr.P.Balachandran

    Urological injuries in Gynaec practice Dr.N.P.Sasikumar

    Caesarian section – changing trends Dr.Shyam Desai

    Update on medical management of menorrhagia Dr.K.Latha

    Un explained infertility – Dr.Meera Nair

    Assessment of ovarian reserve Dr.Santhamma Mathew

    Current trends in management of PIH – Dr.P.K.Shyamala Devi

    Pre term or premature rupture of the membrane - Dr.V.M.Jayasree Thankachi

    Role of ovulogens in PCOs Dr.Priya.D

    Monitoring of labor by partograph & value in dysfunctional labour – Dr.N.Shyamala

    Carcinoam Vulva – modification in management Dr.N.Shyamala

    Conservative surgical modalities in the management of menorrhagia – Dr.Ullas Prasannan

    Dysfunctional uterine bleeding & homeopathy – Dr.Preethi John

    Adolescent functional uterine bleeding – Principles of management

    Fibroid uterus and homoeopathy – Dr.Resmi.R

    Gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogues in PCOs

    Backache during pregnancy

    Twin pregnancies – Dr.Hema.S.Nair

    Induction of labor and cervical ripening Dr.T.L.Sujatha

    Infection prevention in every day obstetric practice – Dr.Nirmala.C


    Intrauterine growth restriction – Dr.Prasannakumari.B

    Intrauterine growth restriction - Dr.Krishnapriya

    Early pregnancy termination – a comparative study – Dr.C.P.Jishabai

    Kerala federations’ role in maternal mortality review – Dr.V.P.Paily

    Lunelle – Monthly contraceptive

    Misoprostol in first trimester abortion – Dr.Sheela Shenoy

    Laproscopic ovarian surgery reviewed in the modern era of PCOs

    Instrumental delivery – pit falls – Dr.Vasanthakumar.K.P

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome – an overview – Prof.Ajitha Kumari

    Postpartum haemorrhage - Dr.B.Laila

    Gonadotrophin in PCOs – Dr.Lekshmi.R

    Preterm labor & PROM – Dr.Sujamol Jacob

    Reviewing maternal death & complications to make pregnancy safer – Dr.V.P.Paily

    Eclampasia – an overview

    Screening for ovarian cancer – Dr.Sulekhadevi.P.B

    Uterine fibroid embolisation – Dr.Radhamony.D

    Vaginal birth after caesarean – Dr.Sangeetha Menon

    The funeral of an unfertilised ovum – Dr.Divya Sanal

    PCOD treatment, analysis and case study – Dr.Shabna

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome – threatened feminity

    Partograph – Dr Sheela V.Mane

    Ante natal care – Systematic supervision of a woman during pregnancy

    Complications after delivery, auxillary treatment and Homeopathy

    Role of homeopathic constitutional medicine in maintaining normal pregnancy Dr.Anita Fernandas

    Complications of pregnancy – minor & majorD:old-public_htmlpptgeneralgen177.pdf

    Primary postpartum hemorrhage and its management – Dr.Arun Rao

    Strengths of Homoeopathy and National Campaign on Homoeopathy for Mother and Child Health Care –  Chaturbhuja Nayak

    MTP and the Law

    Normal Delivery – Dr.Arun Rao

    Obstetric procedures – Dr.V.P.Paily

    Scope of antimaismatic remedy for mother for delivering healthy baby – Dr.Jyoshna Shivaprasad

    Shock in obstetrics – Dr.Arun Rao

    Antenatal care Dr.A.K.Radhakrishnan

    Toxemia of pregnancy – homeopathic approach – Dr.R.Rejikumar

    Relationship of OBGY with relation to anatomy – Early developmentDr.ESJ Prabhu Kiran

    Relationship of OBGY in relation to anatomy Development of Female Reproductive System -Dr.ESJ Prabhu Kiran

    Relationship of OBGY with relation to anatomy Dr.ESJ Prabhu Kiran

    Relationship of OBGY with relation to anatomy – UTERUS Dr.ESJ Prabhu Kiran

    Relationship of OBGY with relation to anatomy – Vagina -Dr.ESJ Prabhu Kiran

    Mother’s health Child’s too – Dr.N.K.Thulaseedharan

    Complaints of Children,Nutrition for women & children – Dr.Jemini.M

    Introduction to Maternal and Child health

    Benign Neoplasm of the Female genital tract Dr. Vilma D’ Souza

    Role of homeopathy in promotion of breast feeding - Dr.M.Premachandran

    Role of Homoeopathy in antenatal care intra natal care and post natal care – Dr Suchita N. Pawaskar

    Family Planning Dr. P. K .Jameela

    Antenatal complaints Dr.Manoj Thomas

    Normal purpeurium – Dr.Maya

    Complications in Pregnancy Dr Nibi Chandra

    Complaints during pregnancy & complicating pregnancy – Dr.Esmail Sait

    Postnatal care & complaints during postnatal period Dr.Subadra

    Antenatal Complaints – Dr.Sugantha Kamath

    Case presentation on antenatal complaints – Dr.Sugantha Kamath

    Homeopathy for mother and child care – Dr.Shailakumar

    Physiological basis of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Dr Deena M Monteiro

    Leucorrhoea Dr. Shilpa Sharma

    Menstrual Cycle

    Experience IPD care in obstetrics & gynecology -Dr. Dinesh Rao

    Miasmatic & reportorial approach in Gynaecology

    Role of Materia Medica in Antenatal care – Dr.Shreepad Hegde

    Normal Labor and Childbirth – Advances in Maternal and Neonatal Health

    Nutrition for women and Children – Dr K Sandeep

    Approach of homeopathy in ovarian disorders – Dr.Vilma D’ Souza

    Female and pregnancy

    Prevention in maternal and child health – Dr. Anuja.U

    Collapsing FSGS -Karunan Kannampoyilil

    RCH – Reproductive and Child Health Programme

    Role of pathology in relation to obstetrics & Gynaec . Part.1 - Dr Hilda D’souza(nee Fernandes)

    Role of pathology in relation to obstetrics & Gynaec . Part.11 – Dr Hilda D’souza(nee Fernandes)

    Morning sickness and hyperemesis in pregnancy – Arti maria

    Repertory In relation to Obstetrics & Gynecology. Part.1 - Dr.Shaila.Udachankar

    Repertory In relation to Obstetrics & Gynecology. Part.11 – Dr.Shaila.Udachankar

    Conduct of normal labour – Dr.Sreeja

    Concepts of Primary Health Care

    Constipation and haemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Role of OBGY in relation to psychology & homeopathic philosophy – Dr.Shivaprasad

    Role of Homeopathy in Infertility

    Delivery of Mother and Child Care Services- present scenario – Dr.Sanil Kumar

    Hyperemesis gravidarum – homeopathic management – Dr.R.Reji Kumar

    Toxemia of pregnancy – homeopathic approach – Dr.Reji Kumar.R

    Lactation disorders and homeopathy – Dr. Subhas Singh

    Homeopathy in Pregnancy & Child birthDr.K.R.Mansoor Ali

    Research on healthy mother & happy child – Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali

    MCH care – Homeopathic perspectives – Dr.Sanil Kumar

    Homeopathy for healthy mother and healthy child Dr.T.N.S.Kurup

    Long-term consequences of Polycystic Ovarian syndrome Samir F Abdel Aziz

    Plan for Maternal Health & EMOC in RCH II – Dr. H. Bhushan

    Role of Homoeopathy in RCH -II – Dr.Sanil Kumar

    Homeopathy for safe motherhood – Dr. S. S. Babar

    Gynaecology and Homeopathy

    AYUSH movie on Healthy Mother & Happy Child

    Health Mother & Happy Child – Tamil nadu

    Managing Obstetrics  Problems  Homoeopathically

    Management of Ectopic  Gestation – Recent Trends

    Morning sickness – Dr Geetha Jose 


    Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy [2]
    ABO and Rh Isoimmunisation
    Abortion [2, 345]
    Abruptio Placentae [2]
    Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy [2]
    Air Travel During Pregnancy
    Alcohol during pregnancy
    Amenorrhea [234]
    Amniotic Fluid Embolism [2]
    Antenatal Care [234]
    Antepartum Hemorrhage [234]
    Anticoagulation in Pregnancy
    Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
    Anemia in pregnancy [2]
    Apgar Score
    Appendicitis During Pregnancy
    Assessment of Fetal Lung Maturity
    Brachial Palsy: Prediction & Prevention
    Breech presentation
    Burns in Pregnancy [2]
    Cardiac Diseases in Pregnancy
    Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
    Cervical Incompetence [2]
    Cesarean Section [23]
    Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
    Contraception [234]
    Contracted Pelvis
    Controversies of Labour Interventions
    Diabetes and Pregnancy
    Doppler Ultrasound in Pregnancy [2]
    Drug Interactions in Labor
    Drugs & Lactation
    Drugs & Pregnancy
    Dysfunctional Labour
    Eclampsia [23]
    Ectopic Pregnancy [2345]
    Elective cesarean section
    Electronic Fetal Monitoring
    Embryonic Demise
    Endometriosis [23]
    Epilepsy in Pregnancy

    Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Introduction to operational medicine and women in operational settings.
    Medical Support of Women in Military Settings Deployment issues and Pre-deployment planning
    Sexual Assault Dealing with victims of sexual assault.
    Breast Problems Common breast problems and treatments.
    Breast Self-Exam Step-by-step educational presentation for all women. Includes a brief video.
    Birth Control Pills Management of BCP issues in operational environments is emphasized.
    Contraception Alternative methods are explored.
    Abnormal Bleeding Causes and treatments of abnormal bleeding.
    Vaginal Itching and Discharge Expedient solutions for operational settings are presented.
    Vulvar Lesions Images of the various vulvar lesions commonly encountered in operational settings.
    Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) This biology of this common virus is examined and various clinical treatments are explored.
    Abdominal and Pelvic Pain Providing care to women in operational settings who suffer from abdominal or pelvic pain.
    Performing a Pap Smear Step-by-step description of how to obtain a Pap smear. Includes a video.
    Problems with Urination The variety of urination problems women may experience.
    Normal Pregnancy The normal course of pregnancy and common, minor obstetrical problems.
    Abnormal Pregnancy Significant obstetrical abnormalities during pregnancy.
    Normal Labor and Delivery Management of the normal laboring patient.
    Abnormal Labor and Delivery Common problems that may be encountered during labor and delivery.
    Care of the Newborn Immediate post-delivery care of the newborn infant.
    How to Perform a Wet Mount Step-by-step instructions on how to actually perform a wet mount and read the results under the microscope. Includes through-the-scope videos.

  58. Obstetrics   

    International Scientific Meeting 2011, Macau (25 - 27 February)

    How to optimise the Machine settings for examination of the fetal heart

    G DeVore, USA
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Congenital anomalies and fetal echocardiography, February 2011

    Central nervous system

    Gianluigi Pilu, Italy
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Congenital anomalies and fetal echocardiography, January 2009

    Central nervous system

    Gianluigi Pilu, Italy
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Doppler in Obstetrics & Ultrasound and labour, December 2009

    Introduction: how to do it, 'use and abuse'.

    Christoph Brezinka, Austria
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Advanced Congenital anomalies and fetal echocardiography, February 2010

    Cerebral anomalies diagnosable at 11-13 weeks

    Rabih Chaoui, Germany
    View lecture


    ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg 2009

    Important goals in early screening for pre-eclampsia

    Prof. Ahmet Baschat, USA
    View lecture (Courtesy of PerkinElmer, free registration may be required)


    ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg 2009

    Early screening for pre-eclampsia

    Prof. Kypros Nicolaides, UK
    View lecture (Courtesy of PerkinElmer, free registration may be required)


    ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg 2009

    Maternal mortality: A global crisis - is there a role for ultrasound?

    Dr. Alfred Abuhamad, USA
    View lecture


    International Scientific Meeting 2011, Macau (25 - 27 February)

    How to optimise the Machine settings for examination of the fetal heart

    G DeVore, USA
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Congenital anomalies and fetal echocardiography, February 2011

    Central nervous system

    Gianluigi Pilu, Italy
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Congenital anomalies and fetal echocardiography, January 2009

    Central nervous system

    Gianluigi Pilu, Italy
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Doppler in Obstetrics & Ultrasound and labour, December 2009

    Introduction: how to do it, 'use and abuse'.

    Christoph Brezinka, Austria
    View lecture


    ISUOG Education: Advanced Congenital anomalies and fetal echocardiography, February 2010

    Cerebral anomalies diagnosable at 11-13 weeks

    Rabih Chaoui, Germany
    View lecture


    ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg 2009

    Important goals in early screening for pre-eclampsia

    Prof. Ahmet Baschat, USA
    View lecture (Courtesy of PerkinElmer, free registration may be required)


    ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg 2009

    Early screening for pre-eclampsia

    Prof. Kypros Nicolaides, UK
    View lecture (Courtesy of PerkinElmer, free registration may be required)


    ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg 2009

    Maternal mortality: A global crisis - is there a role for ultrasound?

    Dr. Alfred Abuhamad, USA
    View lecture

    Gynecology Textbook

    1. ANATOMY
    11. ABORTION




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