Rüzgar Miroğlu


Anatomy Presentations (42)   Histology Presentations (45)   Ophthalmology Presentations (66)
Anesthesia Presentations (72)   Microbiology Presentations (50)   Pathology Presentations (29)
Biochemistry Presentations (140)   Bacteriology Presentations (49)   Pediatrics Presentations (237)
Biology Presentations (160)   Virology Presentations (46)   Pharmacology Presentations  (80)
Chemistry Presentations (107)   Parasitology Presentations (42)   Physics Presentations (225)
Dermatology Presentations (175)   Immunology Presentations (10)   Physiology Presentations (36)
Embryology Presentations (39)   Internal Med Presentations (602)   Psychiatry Presentations (109)
E.N.T Presentations (55)   Obs / Gyn Presentations (222)   Radiology Presentations  (114)
Genetics Presentations (46)   Orthopedics Presentations (65)   Surgery Presentations (397)
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Introduction to Anatomy
The Cell [2]
The Tissue Level of Organization [23
The Integumetary System
The SKELETAL: Osseous Tissue [23]
The SKELETAL: Axial and Appendicular
The SKELETAL: Articulations
The SKELETAL: Muscle Tissue
The NEURO: Neural Tissue
The NEURO: The Spinal Cord
The NEURO: Brain and Cranial Nerve
The NEURO: Autonomic division
The NEURO: General, Special Senses
The Endocrine System
The CARDIO: Blood
The CARDIO: Heart
The CARDIO: Vessels and Circulation
The Lymphatic System
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
The Urinary System
The Male Reproductive System
The Female Reproductive System 
Human Development
Bones & Joints
Thoracic Cavity
Heart & Circulation
Spinal Cord & Nerves 
Brain & Cranial N
Head & Neck
Upper Extremity
Organs of Abdomen
Lower Limb


Introduction to Anesthesia[23456]
Local Anesthetics [234]
Regional Anesthesia [234]
General Anesthetics [2345678]
Spinal Anesthesia [23]
Anesthetic Drugs
Pre-Anesthetic Assessment [2345]
Pain Management [2]
Anesthesia in Children [2]
Obstetric Anesthesia [2]
Comparison between LA & GA
Training in Anesthesia
Inhalational anesthetic agents
Preparation for Anesthesia
Intubations for Anesthesia
Anesthesia Recovery 
Education in Geriatric Anesthesia
Diabetes Mellitus and Anesthesia
Anesthesia in Cerebral Palsy
Anesthesia for Laparoscopy
Genetics and Anesthetics
Practical Anesthesia
Patient Safety & Anesthesia
Anesthetic Emergencies
Anesthesia Reimbursement Methods
Waste Anesthesia Gas (WAG)


Biochemistry Introduction [2345]
Protein Structure [23456789,101112]
Enzyme Kinetics [2345678]
Vitamins & Co-enzymes [2]
Glycolysis [2345678910]
Gluconeogenesis [2345]
Glycogen Metabolism [2345]
The TCA Cycle and PDH [23456]
Pentose Phosphate Pathway [2345,67]
Oxidative Phosphorylation [2]
Metabolism of Lipids [23456]
Carbohydrate Metabolism [234]
Phospholipids Metabolism [2]
Sphingolipid Metabolism
Eicosanoid Metabolism [2]
Fatty Acid Oxidation [234]
Cholesterol [2]
Cholesterol Metabolism [234]
Lipoproteins [234]
Glycoprotein Synthesis [2]
Amino Acid Metabolism [23]
Porphyrin Metabolism [23]
DNA & RNA Metabolism [234]
Protein Synthesis [23456]
Inborn Errors in Metabolism [234]
Hormones [2]
Macromolecules [2]
Water & PH
Biochemistry of Nerve Transmission[2]
Gene Expression [2345]
Muscle Biochemistry
Blood Coagulation [2]
Growth Factors and Cytokines [23]
Signal Transduction [234]


Alcohol [2]
Blood [2345]
The Brain [2]
Cell division [2]
Cell membranes [2]
Cell structures [234]
Cells [23456]
Circulation [2, 3]
Cloning [2]
Digestion [2]
DNA [2345]
Ecology [2]
Endocrine and nervous system [2]
Environments [2]
Enzymes [234]
Feeding relationships
Fertilizers and Pesticides
Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, & mammals
Gel Electrophoresis
Gene Function and Structure
Genetics [2345678]
Healthy Bodies [2]
Heart [23]
Hedgerows and Monoculture
HIV and AIDS [2]
Homeostasis of the body
Human health and disease
Inheritance [23]
Immune System [23]
Kingdom [2]
Life Processes
Mendel's [2]
Microscope [23]
Natural Selection [2]
Nerves [234]
Nitrogen cycle [23]
Nutrition [2]
Osmosis & Diffusion
Photosynthesis [23456]
Population [2]
Plants [2345678]
Predators and prey
Proteins [23]
Reproduction [234]
Respiration [2]
Sex Linkage
Sexual Differentiation
Simple Animals [234]
Structure Skeletal Muscle
Support and locomotion
Symbiosis [23]
The Body
The Human Genome project
Temperature Regulation
Variation and mutation [2]
Viruses [2]


Acids & Bases [2]
Alkali Metals Lab
Alkanes and Alkenes Lab [2]
Atomic model
Atomic Size
Atomic Structure
Balancing [2]
Bohr's Model, Photons
Bonding [2]
Boyle's Law
Calcium Lab
Candle Lab
Cell Potential
Cell Types
Charles's Law
Combined Gas Law
Common Ion
Conductivity Lab
Covalent Bonding
Electro negativity [2]
Equilibrium Calculations
Equilibrium Law
Factor Label Method
Foods Lab [2]
Functional Groups
Galvanic Cells
Gas Stoichiometry
Heat of Combustion
Hess's Law [2]
Hybrid Orbitals
Hydrates Lab
Hydrocarbon Models
Hydrocarbon Naming [2]
Ideal Gas Law
Intermolecular Forces
Ionic Bonding
Isomers [2]
Ka, Acid Ionization
Kinetic Molecular Theory
Ksp Solubility
Kw, pH
Lewis Structures
Limiting Reagents [2]
Lone Pairs
Molar Mass
Molar Solutions
Molar Volume Lab
Molecular Formula
Naming [23]
Naming Groups
Net Ionic Equations [2]
Nuclear Energy
Orbital Characteristics
Organic Synthesis
Partial Pressures
Percentage Yield
Periodic Table [2]
Periodic Trends
pH of Salts, Buffers
Physical Properties Lab
Quantum Mechanics
Rates of Reaction
Reaction reversibility
Significant Digits
Solubility Curves
Solubility Rules
Stoichiometry [2]
Straw Lab
The Activity Series
The Collision Theory
The Mole
Thermo chemical Equations
Thermo chemistry [2]
Titration [2]
Transition State
Types of chemical reactions
Water Treatment
Weighing Gases Lab



Acne [234]
Albinism [ 2]
Alopecia [234]
Basal cell carcinoma [2345678]
Bed sore [23
Behcet's disease [23]
Carbuncles [23]
Cellulites [23] 
Dermatitis [2345678]
Dermatophytes [23456]
Diaper rash
Eczema [234]
Friction blister [2]

Genital warts [234]
Herpes Simplex [2345]
Herpes Zoster [23456789]
HIV Dermatology
Hives [2345678]
Hyperhidrosis [2]
Impetigo [2345]
Leprosy [23456]
Lichen Planus [2] 
Malignant Melanoma [2345]
Miliaria [2]
Molluscum contagiosum 
Pemphigus [2345]
Pityriasis rosea [23]
Porphyria [23456]
Psoriasis [2345]
Scabies [23]
Scleroderma [23]
Sebaceous cyst [2]
Seborrheic keratosis [2]
Shingles [23456789]
Skin cancer [23456]
Squamous cell carcinoma [2
Taenia Infections [23456]
Urticaria [2345678]
Vitiligo [2]


History of Genetics
Heredity (genes)
Gene Regulation
Genetic Crosses
DNA: structure [2]
DNA Basics
DNA Discovery
DNA-Transcription &Translation [2]
Mutations [2]
Gregor Mendel - Genetics  
Mendel, the Father of Genetics [2]
Mendel and the Gene Idea 
Mendel's Peas  
Gregor Mendel, Father of Genetics
Mendel's Laws of Heredity  
Life Science - Mendel and Peas  
Inheritance - Mendel and Peas  
Mendel and Meiosis  
Gregor Mendel - Jeopardy Genetics
Color Blindness
Diabetes insipidus
Becker Muscular Dystrophy

Basic Mendelian Principles
Extensions to Mendelism

Chi-Square Test
Sex-Related Topics
Pedigree Analysis
Mitosis and Meiosis
Chromosome Alterations
Chromosome Structural Changes
Bacterial Genetics
Biochemical Pathways
Quantitative Genetics
Population Genetics 
Gene Regulation



Introduction to Microbiology

From Atoms to Cells

Tools of the Laboratory
Methods for Studying Microorganisms.

The Bacteria and Archaea

Eukaryotic Cells and Microorganisms. An Introduction to the Viruses.
Elements of Microbial Nutrition, Ecology 
Microbial Metabolism
Microbial Genetics.
Genetic Engineering: Molecular Biology.Physical and Chemical Control of Micro

Drugs, Microbes, Host
The Elements of Chemotherapy.
Microbe-Human Interactions
Infection and Disease.
The Nature of Host Defenses.

The Acquisition of Specific Immunity 
Immunization and Immune Assays. 
Disorders in Immunity.
Introduction to Microbiology
Humans and the Microbial World
The Molecules of Life
Microscopy and Cell Structure [2]
Dynamics and Prokaryotic Growth
Control of Microbial Growth
Metabolism: Fueling Cell Growth

The Blueprint of Life, from DNA to Prot
Bacterial Genetics
The Diversity of Prokaryotic Organisms
The Eukaryotic Members
Viruses of Bacteria
Viruses, Prions, and Viroids
The Innate Immune Response
The Adaptive Immune Response
Applications of Immune Responses
Host-Microbe Interactions

Antimicrobial Medications
Scope and History of Microbiology
Microscopy and Staining
Prokaryotic VS Eukaryotic Cells
Essential Concepts of Metabolism 
Growth and Culturing of Bacteria
Microbial Genetics
Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering
Introduction to Bacteriology
Eukaryotic Microorganisms & Parasite
Sterilization and Disinfection Antimicrobial Therapy

Host-Microbe Relationships
Epidemiology & Nosocomial Infection
Nonspecific Host Defenses
Basic Principles of Specific Immunity

The Bacterial Cell

Identification of Infectious Agents 
Nutrition, Growth and Energy Metabolism 
Cell Envelope, spores and Macromolecular Biosynthesis 
Antibiotics - Cell Envelope 
Antibiotics - Protein Synthesis
Nucleic Acid Synthesis and Metabolism
Exchange of Genetic Information  
Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms 
General Aspects of Bacterial Pathogen
Enterobacteriaceae  [2]
Staphylococci [234]
Streptococci [23]
Streptococcus pneumoniae and 
Neisseria and Spirochetes 
Anaerobes and Pseudomonas - Opportunistic Infections 
Mycobacteria, Corynebacteria & Legion
Zoonoses [2]
Bordetella [23]
Haemophilus [234]
Mycoplasma and Uroplasma  [2]
Introduction to Virology [23]
Definitions of Viruses
Classification of viruses [2]
Morphology of viruses

Virus replication Strategies
DNA Viruses
RNA Viruses [2]
Viral life cycle
Viral Genetics
Oncogenic Viruses
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Development of Viral Vaccines
Viral Chemotherapy   
Influenza virus
Rotaviruses [23]
Papova viruses
Clincal Correlation (AIDS)
Oncogenes [2]
Hepatitis [23]

Herpes viruses [2]
Respiratory Viruses
Diarrhoeal Viruses
Congenital Viral Infections

Viral Zoonoses
Virological Tests

Comparison of Viruses
Laboratory Quality Control
Surveillance of Infectious Diseases
Viral Pathogenesis

Introduction to Parasitology
Principles & Definition of Parasitology
Introduction to Protozoa 
Intestinal Flagellates
Amebae [2]
Leishmania and Trypanosoma 
Other Apicomplexa 
Protozoa Review 
Introduction to Trematodes 
Life Cycles of Trematodes

Liver Trematodes 
Lung and Reproductive System Trematodes 
Digestive Trematodes 
Schistosomiasis [23]
Introduction to Tapeworms 
Cyclophyllidean Tapeworms 
Platyhelminthes Review 
Introduction to Nematodes, Ascaris Nematodes, and Pinworms 
Hookworms and Threadworms 
Filarial Nematodes & Guinea Worms

Introduction to Arthropods, Ticks & Mites
Nematoda/Arthropoda Review and Final Exam Information

Chagas Disease
Giardiasis [2]
Hookworm Infections
Parasitic Diseases [23]
Pin Worms
Introduction to Mycology
Superficial Mycoses
Filamentous Fungi
Dimorphic Fungi
Opportunistic mycoses
Introduction of Immunity
Ig structure and function
Molecular genetics of Ig
B cell development & function
Major Histocompatibility complex
Antigen Processing
T cell antigen receptors
T cell development & tolerance
Lymphocyte migration




Achondroplasia [ 2]
Acidosis [2]
Addison's Disease [ 23]
AIDS [234567 ]
Airway Obstruction [2]
Alzheimer Disease
Amnesia [23456]
Amyloidosis [234]
Anaphylaxis [234]
Angina Pectoris [2]
Angioedema [2]
Anemia [2345]
Aortic aneurysm [ 2]
Aortic Stenosis
Asbestos [2,  3]
Ascites [23]
Asthma [23]
Atherosclerosis [23]
Athlete's foot
Atrial Fibrillation [2]
Autoimmunity [2]
Avian Flu [2]
Bell's Palsy [23]
Bites and Stings [23]
Blackwater Fever
Bleeding disorders
Botulism [2345]
Brain Abscess
Bronchial carcinoma
Bronchiectasis [2]
Brucellosis [23]
Burns [23]
Cancer [23]
Cancer of Bone
Cancer of Chest
Cancer of Lung
Cancer of Mouth
Cancer of Ovary
Cancer of Pancreas
Cancer of Penis
Cancer of Skin
Cancer of stomach
Cancer of Thyroid [2]
Cancer of Uterus
Carcinoid Tumor
Cardiomyopathy [2]
Celiac Disease
Cerebellar Ataxia
Cerebral aneurysm [2]
Cerebral Palsy [2, 34]
Chagas Disease
Chest Pain [2]
Chickenpox [2]
Chlamydia [234]
Cholera [234, 5]
Chromosomal Disorders [2, 3]
Coma [234]
Common Cold [2]
Constipation [2]
COPD [23]
Cough [2]
Crohn Disease
Cushing Disease
CVA [23]
Cystic Fibrosis [234]
Deafness [23]
Decubitus Ulcer
Dementia [2, 3 , 4]
Dengue Fever [2]
Diabetes Insipidus [2]
Diabetes Mellitus [2]
Dialysis [2]
Dizziness [2, 345]
DKA [234]
Dry Mouth
Duodenal Ulcer
Dwarfism [2]
Ebola [23]
Edema [2]
Emphysema [23]
Encephalitis [23]
Endoscopy [2, 34]
Epilepsy [2]
Epistaxis [23]
Erectile dysfunction
Facial Neuralgia
Fever [2]
Food Poisoning
Gastrointestinal Bleeding [2]
Genetic Abnormalities [2, 3]
Germ cell tumours
Glomerulonephritis [234]
Glycogen Storage Disease
Gonorrhea [2]
Gout [23]
Graves Disease
Heart Failure [234]
Hemolytic anemia
Hemophilia [2345]
Hemoptysis [2]
Hemorrhagic Fevers
Hepatic encephalopathy
Hepatitis [234, 56]
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B [2]
Hepatitis C [234]
Hepatitis E
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Herpes Simplex
Histiocytosis X
HIV [234567 ]
Hodgkin Disease
Huntington's disease
Hydatid Cyst
Hypercalcemia [23]
Hypertension [2]
Hypoglycemia [234]
Hypokalemia [23]
Hyponatremia [234]
Hypotension [2]
Hypothermia [234]
Hypovolemic Shock [2345]
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Infective Endocarditis [23]
Infertility [234]
Insulin Resistance [2]
Iron-deficiency anemia
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ischemic Heart Disease [23]
Jaundice [234]
Kaposi Disease
Lactose Intolerance
Lead Poisoning [2]
Leukemia [23456]
Liver Cirrhosis [234]
Liver Failure
Lymphomas [23]
Madura Foot
Malaria [2345]
Malignant Hyperthermia
Marfan Syndrome [23]
Measles [2]
Medisastinal tumours [2]
Megalaloblastic anemia
Memory Loss [2345]
Meningitis [234, 56]
Mitral Stenosis [2]
Mitral Regurgitation [2]
Mitral Valve Prolapse [2]
Motor Neuron Disease
Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Sclerosis [2]
Mumps [2]
Myasthenia Gravis
Myeloproliferative Disorders
Myocardial infection
Nasal Polyps
Nephrotic syndrome [ 2]
Non-hodgkin disease
Nutrition [234]
Oliguria [2]
Osteomyelitis [2]
Osteoporosis [23]
Osteosarcoma [2]
Paget's Disease of Bone
Paget's Disease of Breast
Pancreatitis [23456]
Parkinson Disease [2]
Peptic Ulcer
Pericarditis [23]
Peripheral Neuropathies
Peritonitis [2]
Pituitary Adenoma
Pleural Effusion
Pneumonia [234]
Pneumothorax [2]
Portal Hypertension
Proteinuria [23]
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Infarction
Rabies [234]
Renal Failure [234]
Respiratory Distress
Rheumatic Fever [2]
Rheumatoid Arthritis [2]
Rift Valley Fever
Salmonellosis [234]
SARS [2]
Schistosomiasis [2]
Scoliosis [23, 456]
Seizures [2]
Sepsis [2]
Shock [234567]
Sickle-cell disease [2]
SLE [234]
Smallpox [2]
Sore Throat [2]
Spina Bifida [23]
STDS [23456]
Stroke [23]
Syphilis [234]
Tetanus [23456]
Thrombocytopenia [23]
Thrombosis [23]
Toxoplasmosis [23]
Trauma [2]
Trigeminal neuralgia
Tuberculosis [23456]
Turner Syndrome
Urinary Tract Infections
Valvular heart disease [2]
Vitamins [234]
Whooping Cough [2]



Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy [2]
ABO and Rh Isoimmunisation
Abortion [2, 345]
Abruptio Placentae [2]
Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy [2]
Air Travel During Pregnancy
Alcohol during pregnancy
Amenorrhea [234]
Amniotic Fluid Embolism [2]
Antenatal Care [234]
Antepartum Hemorrhage [234]
Anticoagulation in Pregnancy
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
Anemia in pregnancy [2]
Apgar Score
Appendicitis During Pregnancy
Assessment of Fetal Lung Maturity
Brachial Palsy: Prediction & Prevention
Breech presentation
Burns in Pregnancy [2]
Cardiac Diseases in Pregnancy
Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
Cervical Incompetence [2]
Cesarean Section [23]
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
Contraception [234]
Contracted Pelvis
Controversies of Labour Interventions
Diabetes and Pregnancy
Doppler Ultrasound in Pregnancy [2]
Drug Interactions in Labor
Drugs & Lactation
Drugs & Pregnancy
Dysfunctional Labour
Eclampsia [23]
Ectopic Pregnancy [2345]
Elective cesarean section
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Embryonic Demise
Endometriosis [23]
Epilepsy in Pregnancy
External Cephalic Version
Female Bronchial Asthma 
Fetal Birth Injuries
Fetal Echocardiography [2]

Fetal Vascular Malformations
Fibroid [2]
Forceps Delivery
Genital Prolapse
Gestational Diabetes [2 3]
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Gynecologic Tumours in Pregnancy
HELLP Syndrome [2]
Hepatitis C and Reproduction
High risk obstetrics care
Home Birth  
Homeostasis in Pre-Eclampsia
Hydatidiform Mole [2]
Hyperemesis Gravidarum [23]
Hysterectomy [2]
(ITP During Pregnancy
Induction of Labour
Infertility [234]
Intra Uterine Fetal Death
Intra Uterine Growth Retardation [23]
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Jaundice in pregnancy [2]
Leiomyoma [2]
Liver Diseases with Pregnancy 
Malaria in Pregnancy
Maternal Changes with Pregnancy
Maternal Mortality
Menstruation [2]
Minor Ailments of Pregnancy
Molar Pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy
Myaesthenia Gravis in Pregnancy
Newborn Resuscitation
Non-immune Hydrops Fetalis
Nutrition in Pregnancy
Obstetric Haemorrhage [2]
Obstetricians and Cerebral Palsy
Obstructed Labour
Oral Health During Pregnancy
Partial molar Pregnancy
Pelvic assessment
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease [234]
Physiology of reproduction  
Placenta Accreta
Placenta and umbilical cord
Placenta Percreta
Placenta Previa [23]
Postpartum Depression
Post Partum Hemorrhage [2345,678]
Pregnancy bleeding
PIH [234]
Pregnancy with Multiple Fibroids
Prenatal care
Preterm Labor [2 345]
Protracted labour
Prolonged Pregnancy
Puerperal Infection
Recurrent Miscarriage [23456]
Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Shoulder Dystocia [2]
Sufrimiento Fetal
Torch Infections
Toxoplasmosis During Pregnancy [2]
Transfusion in Obs and Gyn
Trial of Scar [2]
Twin Pregnancy
Uterine Polyps
Uterine Rupture
Ultrasound & Pregnancy [2]
UTI in pregnancy [2]
Vaccinations in pregnancy
Vacuum Extraction [2]
Vaginal Prolapse [2]
Vasa Praevia


Abnormalities of lens shape
Acquired cataract
Age-related macular degeneration
Allergic conjunctivitis
Benign eyelid lesions
Childhood strabismus
Chronic marginal blepharitis
Complications of cataract surgery
Congenital cataract
Congenital corneal anomalies
Congenital glaucomas
Congenital optic nerve anomalies
Conjunctival infections
Conjunctival tumours
Corneal degenerations
Corneal dystrophies
Corneal ectasias
Corneal infections
Corneal surgery
Cystic orbital lesions
Diabetic retinopathy
Diffuse eyelid disease
Disorders of lashes
Disorders of the chiasm
Drug-related retinopathies
Ectopia lentis
Ectropion and entropion
Episcleritis and scleritis
Fundus angiography
Glaucoma [234]
Hereditary choroidal dystrophies
Hereditary retinal dystrophies
Hereditary vitreoretinal degenerations
Idiopathic inflammatory white dot synd
Idiopathic specific uveitis syndromes
Immunobullous diseases
Important associations of uveitis
Infections of the lacrimal passages
Introduction to glaucoma
Introduction to retinal detachment
Malignant eyelid tumours
Ocular motor nerve palsies
Optic neuropathies
Orbital infections and inflammations
Orbital tumours
Other acquired maculopathies
Other retinal vascular disorders
Pathogenesis of retinal detachment
Peripheral corneal inflammation
Peripheral corneal  ulceration
Primary angle-closure glaucoma
Primary open-angle glaucoma
Principles of retinal detachment
Prophylaxis of  retinal detachment
Secondary glaucomas
Supranuclear disorders of eye
Thyroid eye disease
Uveal infections and infestations
Uveal tumours
Vascular orbital disorders


Form and Function of Bone
Bone Metabolism
Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis
Bone and Joint Infections and Tumours
Common Hand and Foot Disorders 
Cavus Foot
Compartment Treatment of the Foot
Diabetic Foot
Hallus Valgus
Hindfoot Trauma
Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Ankle
Tibialis Posterior Insufficiency
Hand and Wrist Injuries [2]
Keinboch's Disease
RA Hand Cases
RA Wrist Cases
Wrist Biomechanics
Carpal Instability
Hip Biomechanics and Osteotomies
Knee Biomechanics
Knee Ligament Injuries
Osteotomies About the Knee
Critical Appraisal
Cumulative Trauma Disorders
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip [2]
Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Problems
Musculoskeletal Malignancy
Bone Tumors
Ewing's Sarcoma
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone

Spinal Orthopaedics
Cervical Spine Injuries Classificationt
Degenerative Disc Disease
Operative Treatment For Cervical Spine Fractures
Thoracolumbar Fractures

Pediatric Orthopedics 
Limping Child
Pediatric Fractures
Adult Fractures
Dislocations [2]
Fractures [234]
Hip Dislocation [23]
Scoliosis [23, 456]
Trauma [2]


Abdominal Masses in Children
Accidents and Trauma
A Look at Newborn Screening
Allergies and Children
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder[2345678]
Aspergers Syndrome [234]
Asthma in Children [23]
Autism [23]
Birth Defects
Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Brain Tumors in Children
Breastfeeding and Sleeping
Breastfeeding the Premature
Bronchiolitis [23456]
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)
Care of HIV-Infected Infants & Children
Care of the HIV Exposed Infant
Care of the Premature Infant
Children with hematologic dysfunction
Cerebral Palsy
Chest Pain
Child Abuse
Child Health
Child Maltreatment
Child with a Suspected Malignancy
Childhood Cancer
Choanal Atresia
Cirrhosis & Portal Hypertension
Classification of malabsorption
Cleft Lip [23]
Complex Decision Making in Pediatric Dysphagia
Congenital Aortic Disease
Congenital Defects
Congenital Heart Disease
Croup [2345]
Cystic Fibrosis [2345]
Developmental Milestones
Development of Digestive and Respiratory System
Diabetes in Children [2]
Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Dehydration [23]
Down Syndrome [234]
Encephalitis [2]
Endocrine Alterations
Epilepsy [23]
Esophageal Atresia
Fallot's Tetralogy [2]
Fanconi Anemia [2]
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome [234]
Fetal Medicine
Fluids, Electrolyte, and Nutrition 
Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Children
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Genetic Control During Embryonic

Genetics for Nurses in Pediatric 
Gestational and Child Assessment
Hematology & Children
Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn
Hepatitis A-E
Hepatitis B
Hot Topics in Neonatology
Hydrocephalus [23]
Hypospadias [2]

Immunizations and Infections
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Kawasaki Disease
Kwashiorkor [2]
Late Effects of Childhood Cancer
Leukemia [23456]
Lyme Disease [234]
Malnutrition [23]
Marfan Syndrome [2]
Measles [2]
Meningitis [23456]
Mumps [2]
Neonatal Herpes [23]
Neonatal Jaundice [2345]
Neurofibromatosis [2345678]
Neurological Disorders
Neonatal and Infant Nutrition
Neonatal Emergencies
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
Neonatal Nutrition
Neonatal Sepsis
Oncologic Emergencies
Osteopenia of Prematurity
Pain Management in Children

Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric  with Congenital Defects
Pediatric Nutrition
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Surgical Emergencies
Pediatric Leukemias
Pediatric Lymphomas
Pediatric Psycho-Oncology
Pertussis [2]
Pneumonia [234]
Prevevention of Disorders Children
Principles of Mechanical Ventilation
Protecting Medically Fragile Infants
Respiratory Distress in the Newborn
Rickets [23]
Rubella [2345]
Scarlet Fever [2]
Screening for neural tube defects
Sensory and Cognitive Disorders
Short Bowel Syndrome in a Neonate
Simple Steatosis
Stridor, Aspiration, & Cough
Supraventricular tachycardia
Tetanus [23456]
The Child with Cerebral Dysfunction
The Child with GI Dysfunction
The Child with Hematologic
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Treating Opportunistic Infections
TORCH [23]
Turner Syndrome
Urinary Infections
Vaccinations [2]
Viral Hepatitis Clinical Correlation
Vitamin K in Newborns
Whooping Cough [2]
Wilson's Disease


Introduction to Pharmacology [2]
Pharmacologic Principles
Pharmacokinetics [2]
Drug Biotransformation
Drug Development and Regulation
Drug-Receptor Interaction
Clinical Toxicology 
Drugs of Abuse  [2345
Cardiac Drugs
Endocrine Drugs
Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
Respiratory Drugs
GI Drugs [2]
CNS Drugs
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Cancer & Antimicrobial Drugs
Eyes, Ears, & Skin Drugs
Skin, Diet & Poisoning Drugs

Adrenergic Agents
Adrenergic Blocking-Agents

Cholinergic Agents
Cholinergic Blocking-Agents
Analgesia [23]
Opoid Analgesic Agents [2]
Psychotherapeutic Agents
Central Nervous System Depressants
CNS Stimulants
Antihypertensive Agents
Diuretic Agents
Pharmacology of Bronchodilators
Pharmacotherapy of Shock
Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes
Anti-anginal Agents
Anti-dysrthythmic Agents
Anti-lipemic Agents
Antacids and Acid-Controlling Agents

Anti-diarrheals and Laxatives
Antihistamines, Antitussives, Expectorants, and Decongestants
Bronchodilators and Other Respiratory Agents
Antiviral Agents

Anti-malarial agents
Antiprotozoal agents
Antihelmintic Agents
Antifungal Agents
Anti-tubercular Agents
Anti-inflammatory Agents and [2]

Pharmacology of therapeutic gases
Nicotine Pharmacology
Oxygen Therapy
Ophthalmic Drugs
Local Anesthetics 
Heavy Metals
Cancer Chemotherapy 
Cell Wall Inhibitors 
Antiseizure Drugs/Epilepsy 
Antipsychotic Drugs 
Anxiolytic Drugs 
Acid-Peptic Disease


Acceleration [2]
Basic space
Circuits [2]
Color  [2345, 67]
Diffraction and Interference
Edison's Bright Idea
Electric Fields
Electrical Circuits [2]
Electricity [2, 34567891011,1213141516, 171819202122,2324]
Emission spectra
Energy [23456]
Fission and Fusion
Flight [23]
Forces and Motions [2345678,910111213]
Fossil Fuels
Friction [234]
Gravity [23]
Heat [23456789101112,131415161718192021]
How lightening works
Ionizing Radiation [2]
Light [2345678910]
Magnetism [234567]
Measuring and Recording Data
Modern Physics
Momentum and Impulse [2]
Motion [23]
Nature of Science
Newton's Laws [
Optical Illusions  [2345678]
Physics Intro, Kinematics, Graphing
Potential & Kinetic Energy
Pressure, Momentum, and Impulse
Projectile & Circular Motion, Torque [2]
Projectile Motion
Properties of Matter
Quantum Physics General
Radio Waves
Radioactive Decay

Refractions, Lens, and Sight  [234]
Resultant forces
Rutherford Scattering

Simple machines [2345678,910]
Sound [234567891011,12]
Sound and light
Spectral lines
Spherical Mirrors
Starter conductors and insulators
Steps of The Scientific Method
Telecommunications [234]
Thermodynamics [2]
The Universe [23456789,101112]
Two Source Interference
Two-Dimensional Motion
Vectors [2]
Waves [234567891011]
Work, Power, and Energy


Introduction to Psychiatry [2]
Adjustment Disorders [2]
Alcoholism [2, 34]
Anxiety Disorders [234]
Asperger's Syndrome
Attention Deficit [23]
Autism [23456]
Behavioral Therapy
Bipolar Disorder [2]
Child Abuse [234]
Child Psychiatry
Clinical Assessment & Diagnosis
Cognitive Therapy [234]
Delirium [2]
Dementia [2, 3 , 4]
Depression [2]
Development of Psychiatry
Dissociative Disorders [23]
Drug Abuse [2]
Drug Addiction
Eating Disorders [2]
Electroconvulsive therapy [23]
Factitious Disorders [2]
General Psychopathology
Integrative Approach
Manic Disorder
Mental Retardation [2]
Mood Disorders [23]
Neurotic Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [2]
Organic Mental Disorders
Organic Psychiatry

Panic Disorders

Personality Disorders [2]
Phobias [2]
Physical Disorders
Psychiatry: Legal & Ethical Issues
Psychopharmacology [2]
Psychotherapy [23]
PTSD [234]
Schizophrenia [234567]
Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Social behavior
Somatoform Disorders [2345]
Studying Abnormal Behavior
Substance Abuse [2]


Intro to Radiology [234]
Basis of Radiology
Interventional Radiology [2]
X-ray Diagnostics [234]
The Spine and Spinal Cord
The Cervical Spine
Pediatrics Radiology
Radiology of the Pelvis
Chest Radiology [2]
Thorax and Lung [2]
Chest X-ray [23456789]
Chest X-ray Reading
Cardiac Radiology [2]
Gastrointestinal Radiology [23]

Abdominal Radiology [2]
Neuroradiology [234]

Barium Enema
Abdominal X-ray
Urology and Radiology
Musculoskeletal Radiology [23]
Radiology and Endocrinology

Surgical Exercises Radiography [2]
Imaging in Oncology

Radiology of Intracranial tumors
Diagnostic radiology [234567
Diagnostic Imaging Agents [2]
Fractures [234567891011,1213]
Facial Fracture [234]
Mandible Fracture [23]
Hip Fracture [2]
Pediatric Fractures [2]

Osteoportic Fractures
Fracture Nomenclature
Dislocations [23456789]
Rehabilitation and Radiology
Contrast Radiology [2]
Contrast Nephropathy [2]
Emergency Radiology
Spinal Cord Injuries
Orthopedic Radiology [2]
Temporomandibular joint
Breast Radiology
Surgical Radiology
Teleradiology [2]
Osteoarthritis [2]
Oral Radiology



Abdominal Mass [2]
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal Trauma [2345678,9101112]
Achalasia [234]
Acute Abdomen [23456789,1011121314]
Anal Fissure [23456]
Anal Fistula [23456]
Aortic Aneurysm [2345]
Appendicitis [234567]
Benign Thyroid Disease [234]
Brain Injury [2]
Breast abscess [2345]
Breast Cancer [23456]
Breast mass [2]
Cervical Lymphadenopathy
Chest Trauma [234567]
Chest Wall Tumors [2]
Cholecystitis [2345]
Cholangitis [234]
Cholelithiasis [234]
Chronic Ischemia
Colostomy [23]
Common Anorectal Conditions
Crohn’s Disease [23]
Decubitus Ulcers
Deep Vein Thrombosis [2345]
Dermoid Cyst
Diabetic Foot [2]
Diverticulosis [2345678]
Dyspepsia [23456]
Dysphagia [23]
Empyema [234]
Esophageal Tumors [23456]
Fistula [23]
Gangrene [234]
Gas gangrene

Gastric Neoplasms [2345]
Gastric outlet obstruction
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease [2,3456789101112131415]
Geriatric Trauma [23]
Goiter [23456,  7]
Granuloma of the breast
Hand Injury [2]
Head & Neck Injury [2]
Hemorrhoids [2345]
Hernia [2345]
Hiatal Hernia [2]
Hernia Esophageal
Hernia Femoral [2]
Hernia Umbilical
Hydatid Cyst [23]
Hydrocele [2]
Hyperparathyroidism [234567]
Hyperthyroidism [23456789]
Hypospadias [2]
Hypothyroidism [234567]
Inguinoscrotal Hernia
Intestinal Obstruction [23]
Laparoscopy [23]
Large  Bowel Obstruction [2]
Lipoma [2]
Liver Abscess [2]
Liver Cancer
Liver Masses
Lower GI bleeding [23456]
Lung Cancer [2345]
Lymphadenopathy [2345]
Lymphedema [234]
Madura Foot
Massive Blood Transfusion [234]
Mastitis [2345]
Mediastinal Masses [2]
Nutrition in Surgical Patient [23]
Obstructive Jaundice [2]
Pancreatic Neoplasm
Pancreatic pseudocyst [23]
Penetrating wound injury [2]
Peripheral Vascular Diseases [23]
Pneumothorax [23456]
Post Operative Complications
Post-Operative fever
Pre-Operative Care
Prostate Cancer [23]
Rectal Cancer
Rectal Prolapse [23]
Renal calculi [2]
Renal Transplant [2]
Scrotal swelling [2]
Sebaceous cyst [2]
Sigmoid volvulus [2]
Solitary Thyroid Nodules [2345]
Testicular tumours [2]
Thyroid Disease [234567]
Thyroid Tumors
Thyrotoxicosis [234567]
Trauma [2]
Trauma Assessment Management[2345678]
Upper GI Bleeding [23456]
Varices [23]
Varicose Veins [2]
Vascular Trauma [2]
Venous Disorders [23]
Wounds [234567]



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Dyspnoea Download (501 KB)
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme Download (212 KB)
Massive Hemoptysis Download (237 KB)
Tubercular Pleural effusions Download (51 KB)
Aerosol therapy Download (206 KB)
Management of severe sepsis Download (198 KB)
Management of stable COPD Download (184 KB)
Non resolving pneumonia Download (90 KB)
Approach to DPLD Download (278 KB)
Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage Download (112 KB)
Pulmonary manifestations of heart disease Download (365 KB)
Acute exacerbation of asthma and COPD: similarities and differences Download (54KB)
Management of IPF Download (104 KB)
Pulmonary Manifestations of connective tissue disease Download (297 KB)

Interventional Bronchoscopy Download (2048 KB)
Lung Volumes & Airway Resistance Download (767 KB)
Respiratory Mechanics in
Mechanical Ventilation
Download (650 KB)
Lung in extreme environments Download (565 KB)
Mechanical Ventilation: New Modes Download (961 KB)
Congenital and Developmental Anomalies of the Lung Download (191 KB)
Oxygen and CO2 Cascade Download (666 KB)
Ventilation-perfusion in Health & Disease Download (642 KB)
Pulmonary Host Defences Download (462 KB)
July - December 2008
Renal Replacemnt Therapy in ICU Download (196 KB)
Functional Assessment Download (604 KB)
Filteration in ICU Download (976 KB)
Humidification in ICU Download (169 KB)
Fever in ICU Download (331 KB)
Ultrasound in ICU Download (367 KB)
Extrapulmonary manifestations of COPD Download (358 KB)
IPF: recent advances in Management Download (271 KB)
Genetic and targeted therapies for lung cancer Click here to view
Recruitment maneuvers- Rationale , Protocols and utility Click here to view
Chemotherapy Related Complications Click here to view
Targetted therapies in asthma Click here to view
January-June 2008
Steroid dependant asthma Download (512 KB)
Hemodynamic monitoring in ICU Download (213KB)
Rheumatological emergencies in ICU Download (230KB)
Inhaled drug (non-bronchodilator) therapy Download (257KB)
Approach to the critically ill poisoned patient Download (405KB)
Anti fungal therapies Download (567 KB)
Scoring Systems in ICU Download (315 KB)
Diffusion Download (176 KB)
July - December 2007
Occupational asthma Download (167 KB)
Advances in diagnosis of TB Download (246 KB)
Silicosis and silico-tuberculosis Download (115 KB)
Pulmonary hypertension in CTD Download (276 KB)
Pre-operative Evaluation for Lung Resection Download (128 KB)
Preventing Ventilator Induced Lung Injury in ARDS Download (1.64 MB)
Airway Remodelling Download (131 KB)
Management of Sarcoidosis Download (652 KB)
Pre-operative Evaluation for non-thoracic surgery Download (422 KB)
Recent Advances in Bronchoscopic procedures Download (821 KB)
January-June 2007
Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary ARDS: Fizz or Fuss ? Download (309 KB)
Weaning from Mechanical Ventilator Download (531 KB)
Exhaled Biomarkers Download (165 KB)
Pulmonary Rehablitation Download (406 KB)
Brochiolar Disorders Download (601 KB)
Air Travel and Lungs Download (251 KB)
2004- 2006
Oxygen-Carbon dioxide transport Download (113 KB)
Diffusion Download (306 KB)
Control of Breathing Download (129 KB)
Bronchiolitis Download (763 KB)
ABG: Clinical interpretation Download (154 KB)
Pulmonary Hypertension Download (454 KB)
Advances in treatment of ARDS Download (578KB)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Download (463 KB)
Ventilation Download (340 KB)
Sarcoidosis Download (261 KB)
Inoperable Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Download (160 KB)
Small cell Lung Cancer Download (544 KB)
Acute Exacerbation of COPD Download (740 KB)
HIV-TB Coinfection Download (1.1 MB)
Uncommonl ILDs Download (186 KB)
Idiopathic Interstial Pneumonias Download (2.1 MB)
Lungs Ageing, Pregnancy & Excercise Download (180 KB)
BAL and TBLB Download (249 KB)
Major Airway Obstruction Download (380 KB)
LVRS & Bullectomy Download (700 KB)
Thoracoscopy Download (470 KB)
Cardio-pulmonary exercise testing Download (487 KB)
Immunotherapy in asthma Download (209 KB)
Swan-Ganz catheterisation Download (180 KB)
Staging of lung cancer Download (336 KB)
Molecular tools in diagnosis of TB Download (330 KB)
Pulmonary infections associated with hematological malignancies and bone marrow transplant Download (256 KB)
MDR TB in extra-pulmonary sites Download (406 KB)
Current concepts in Rx of TB Download (165 KB)
Antibiotic therapy Download (307 KB)
Nutrition in ICU Download (452 KB)
NSLC current concepts in Rx Download (85 KB)
Non Invasive Ventilation Download (166 KB)
Newer Modes of Ventilation Download (290 KB)
Respiratory Failure Download (187 KB)
Emerging Therapies in COPD Download (83 KB)
Pulmonary Vasculitides Download (300 KB)
Neuromuscular Weakness in ICU Download (530 KB)
Chest wall Diseases Download (189 KB)
Emerging Pulmonary Infections Download (188 KB)
Malignant Mesothelioma Download (192 KB)
Nuclear Medicine Techniques in Pulmonology Download (611KB)
Current and emerging therapies in pulmonary hypertension Download (102 KB)
Oragnophosphate poisoning Download (622 KB)
Anaemia in ICU Download (825 KB)
Surfactant in health and disease Download (209 KB)
Oxidative stree and anti-oxidants in respiratory diseases Download (359 KB)
Immunological agents in respiratory medicine Download (429 KB)
Lung transplantation Download (164 KB)
Sedation in ICU Download (799 KB)
Early detection of lung cancer Download (178 KB)
Cystic Fibrosis in Asians Download (182 KB)
Tropical Pulmonary Diseases Download (538 KB)

SOURCE : The Department of Pulmonary Medicine Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh. India 


ABC’s of Radiology Principles of MRI PDF PDF
Trauma and Fracture Healing PDF PDF
MRI Principles PDF PDF
Introduction to MRI Spine  
Imaging of the Hip PDF PDF
Spine Lecture PDF PDF
Spine Lecture PDF PDF
Computed Tomography PDF PDF


MRI of the Knee, Shoulder and Hip PDF PDF
MRI of the Shoulder PDF PDF
MRI Knee 2008 PDF PDF
US Physics for Imaging PDF PDF
Radiology Reports Presentation PDF PDF
X-Ray Femoralneck Fracture PDF PDF
CT Tibialplateau Fracture PDF PDF
X-Ray Wrist Fracture PDF PDF
CT Tibialfibular Fractures PDF PDF
MR Cervicalspine PDF PDF
MR Lumbarspine PDF PDF


PDF Surgery Lecture Notes




DVT Prophylaxis


DVT Prophylaxis1


DVT Prophylaxis2


Total Parenteral Nutrition

Preoperative Bowel Preparation for CRS


Lower GI Bleeding -1

Lower GI Bleeding -2


Acute Mesenteric Ischemia


Short Bowel Syndrome


Short Bowel Syndrome and TPN


Palliative Surgery

Pulmonary Function In Lap vs Open Colon Resection


Wound Infections

Electrocautery Use In Surgery


Nonoperative Management of Penetrating Abdominal Trauma


HIV and Abdominal Surgery


IBD and Pregnancy


Antithrombotic Therapy for DVT and PE 

Parenteral Nutrition 

Economics of Surgical Site Infection 

Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency 

Anastomotic Leak 

Why Do Anastomoses Leak?

Critical Illness Polyneuropathy 

Cirrhosis and Abdominal Surgery




Results of Antireflux Surgery


Neoadjuvant Therapy for Esophageal Cancer


Nonsurgical Adjuncts for Esophageal Cancer

Caustic Injury To The Esophagus





Paraesophageal Hernia -1


Paraesophageal Hernia -2

Paraesophageal Hernias1


Paraesophageal Hernias2


Gastric Cancer -1


Gastric Cancer -2


Gastric Adenocarcinoma

Gastric ulcers


Peptic Ulcer Disease


Gastrectomy and Restoration of GI Continuity


GIST Tumors of the Stomach


Familial Adenomatous Polyposis & Duodenal Cancer


Gastric Cancer
Gastric Bezoar
Gastrointestinal Bezoars




Liver Metastases in CR Cancer


Management of Liver Mets From CR Cancer


Radiofrequency Ablation for Colorectal Liver Metastases

Common Bile Duct Injuries Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Gallbladder Polyps



Pancreatic Cancer


Pancreatic Cancer- Neoadjuvant & Adjuvant Therapy

Palliative Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer


Gallstone Pancreatitis

Liver Biopsy


Transhepatic Percutaneous Cholecystostomy


Gallstone Pancreatitis


Pancreatic Pseudocyst

Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas 

Porcelain Gallbladder & GB Carcinoma

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis – l 

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis – 2




Crohns disease


Surgical Intervention in Small Bowel Crohns Disease


Recurrent Crohns Disease


Primary Small Bowel Cancer in Crohns


Percutaneous Drainage of Intra-abdominal Abscess in the Setting of IBD


Surgical Treatment of Strictures in Crohns Disease


Crohns & Pregnancy


Perianal Crohn's Disease

Psychosocial Apects of IBD


Pyoderma Gangrenosum


Fistulizing Crohn's Disease


Postop Recurrence of Crohn's disease


Crohn's Colitis


Ileal Pouch Anal Anastamosis in Crohns


Perianal Complications of Crohns


Stones With Crohns


Medical Treatment of Crohn's Disease


Surgical Management of Crohn's Disease

Management of Fistulas in Crohn's Disease


Duodenal Crohn's Disease

Cholelithiasis in Crohn's Disease 

Extra-Intestinal Manifestations of IBD




Small Bowel Obstruction

Enterocutaneous fistula - 1


Enterocutaneous Fistula - 2

Enterocutaneous Fistulas1


Enterocutaneous Fistulas2


Small Bowel Diverticula


Intestinal Obstruction


Small Bowel Obstruction - Understanding the Basics


Early Postoperative Small Bowel Obstruction

Postop Ileus vs. Small Bowel Obstruction


Small Bowel Diverticulitis

Small Bowel Transplant


Adenocarcinoma of the Small Bowel

Enterocutaneous Fistula – 1 

Enterocutaneous Fistula – 2

Enterocutaneous Fistula – 3 

Short Bowel Syndrome






Management of Periappendiceal Mass


Cancers of the Appendix


Carcinoid Tumors

Appendiceal Carcinoid


Carcinoid Tumors of the Appendix





Ulcerative Colitis


UC & dysplasia


Continent Ileostomy


Pouch-Vaginal Fistula

Medical Management of UC


Dysplasia in Ulcerative Colitis

Indeterminate Colitis


Medical Treatment of Fulminant UC 

Surgical Management of UC 

Complications of Ileal J-Pouch 

Complications of IPAA 

Continent Ileostomy 

Kock Pouch 

Rectal Dysplasia in UC



Colon Cancer and Polyps


Biology of Colorectal Cancer


Hereditary colon cancer and cancer in young patients

Neoplastic Polyps of the Colon


Evolution of Multimodality Therapy For Rectal Cancer


Adjuvant Therapy for Rectal CA


Total Mesorectal Excision


Local Therapy for Rectal Cancer


Colonic J Pouch for Cancer


Hepatic Metastases in Colorectal Cancer


Rectal Carcinoid

Rectal Carcinoid Tumors


Laparoscopic vs. Open Colectomy for Colon Cancer


Treatment of Rectal Cancer


Treatment Options for Low Rectal Cancer


NCCN Guidelines Rectal Cancer


Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer


Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer


Systemic Therapy for Colorectal Cancer


Impact of FDG PET on managing patients with colorectal cancer


Management Of Colonic Polyps


Colorectal Polyposis Syndromes


Hereditary Colon Cancer


Desmoid Tumors and FAP


Trans-Anal Approach To Surgical Management of Rectal Cancer

Transanal Excision of Rectal Cancer


Colon Cancer 

Adequate Resection For Colon Cancer 

Local Excision of Rectal Cancer

Treatment of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer


Metastatic Colorectal Cancer


Pulmonary Metastases in Colorectal Cancer

Carcinomatosis In Rectal Cancer


Hereditary Colon Cancer 

IBD and Colorectal Cancer


Rectal Carcinoid



Benign Colonic Diseases


Rectal Perforation


Diverticulitis – Surgical Treatment Options


Rectal Prolapse-1


Rectal Prolapse-2


Rectal Prolapse-3


Rectal Prolapse1


Rectal Prolapse2


Perineal Proctosigmoidectomy


Sigmoid Volvulus


Bladder Dysfunction and Fecal Incontinence After CR Surg


Update - Laparoscopic vs Open Colectomy


Clostridium Difficile Colitis -1


Clostridium Difficile Colitis -2


Clostridum Difficile Colitis


Ischemic Colitis

Ischemic Colitis


Colonic Pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie’s)


Endorectal Ultrasound


Management of Complicated Diverticulitis


Diverticulitis In The Young


Diverticulitis In Young Patients


Cecal Diverticulitis

Slow Transit Constipation


Surgical Approach To Constipation

Complicated Diverticulitis 

Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Obscure Lower GI Bleeding 

Colonic Ischemia 

Clostridium Difficile Colitis – 1


Clostridium Difficile Colitis – 2


Colonic Inertia

Epiploic Appendagitis 

Hirschsprung's Disease


Rectal Prolapse – 1

Rectal Prolapse – 2


Rectal Prolapse – 3




Anal Neoplasms


Bowens & Pagets







Rectovaginal Fistula

Rectovaginal fistula - 1


Rectovaginal fistula – 2


Anorectal Manometry




Chronic Anal Fissure


Anal Cancer


Perianal Paget's Disease


Anorectal Melanoma



Hemorrhoids, Fissures & Fistulas 

Anal Fissure – 1

Anal Fissure – 2


Anal Fissures & Fistulas 

Anal Abscess and Fistula


Anal Carcinoma


Anal Melanoma 

Fecal Incontinence





Complications of Colonoscopy

Complications of Sigmoidoscopy & Colonoscopy


Colonoscopic Perforations


Wireless Capsule Endoscopy


Virtual Colonoscopy




Surgical Injuries to the Ureter

Ureteral Injury


Laparoscopy and Ovarian Cancer


The Pregnant Patient and Non-Obstetrical Emergency Surgery 

Acute Abdomen During Pregnancy 

Incidental Ovarian Mass 

Rectovaginal Fistula – l

Rectovaginal Fistula – 2


Urogenital Trauma





Rectus Sheath Hematomas


Incisional Hernia Repair

Incisional Hernias


Separation of Components for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction


Laparoscopic vs Open Ventral Hernia Repair

Abdominal Compartment Syndrome


Parastomal Hernia


Abdominal Wall Reconstruction


Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Without Mesh

Hernias, Mesh Repairs and Infection 

Laparoscopic Repair of Ventral Hernias


Parastomal Hernia




Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors


Retroperitoneal Sarcoma

Gastrointestinal Lymphoma


Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors


GIST of the Stomach 

Desmoid Tumors in FAP




Adult Intussusception


Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Pneumatosis Intestinalis


Acute Abdomen and HIV-AIDS


Mayer Rokitansky Syndrome


Necrotizing Fasciitis


Indications for Splenectomy


Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis


Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis


Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis


Intestinal Tuberculosis


Pseudomyxoma Peritonei


Hermansky-Pudlack Syndrome


Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis


Fournier's Gangrene


Ogilvie's Syndrome 

Radiation enteritis

SOURCE: Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Surgery

Pediatric Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series)

Author: by P. Puri (Editor), M.E. Hollwarth (Editor)
ISBN: 3540407383
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 20, 2005)
Format: PDF - 634 pages
Size: 16.3 MB


Şifre: kapioskanis

Pediatric Oncology: A Comprehensive Guide
Author: by Paul Imbach (Editor), Thomas Kuhne (Editor), Robert Arceci (Editor)
ISBN: 3540252118
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (October 25, 2005)
Format: PDF - 251 pages

 veya  veya 

Şifre: kapioskanis

HIV Medicine 2006
PDF | 826 pages | 4.12 MB
Authors/Editors: Christian Hoffmann, Jürgen K. Rockstroh, Bernd Sebastian Kamps
Publisher: Flying Publisher – Paris, Cagliari, Wuppertal
ISBN: 3924774501

Stanley Monkhouse, «Cranial Nerves: Functional Anatomy»
Cambridge University Press | ISBN 0521615372 | 2005 Year | PDF | 1,4 MB | 162 Pages

Collins, «Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy»
Mayo Clinic | ISBN 0060746378 | 2004 Year | PDF | 2,8 MB | 624 Pages

Gerald L. Mandell, John E. Bennett and Raphael Dolin,
«Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases», 6th Edition
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Publisher: Academic Press
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BMJ Publishing Group | ISBN 0727917706 | 2003 | PDF | 147 pages | 1.1 MB

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ISBN: 0470849762
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Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (2006) 
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Anatomy for Anaesthetists (ILLUSTRATED) 
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Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Professional; 8 edition 
Pages: 336
Format: PDF
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Marime: 4.68 MB

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Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 3Rev Ed edition 
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Yeni Tıp Kitapları... (Kasım 2006 - Bölüm 1)

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Bu ay içinde pek çok tıp kitabını sizlerle paylaşacağım...

ISBN: 1411695380| Title: The Medical Student's Guide to the Plain Chest Film| 
Author: Edwin Donnelly| Publisher: Lulu.com| 2006-07-18| pages: 110| pdf 15.8MB

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Evidence-Based Management of Patients with Respiratory Failure
Authors: Andres Esteban, Antonio Anzueto, Deborah Cook,Publisher: Springer
PDF | 171 pages | 1,3 Mb | English language | ISBN 3540209476

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Şifre: www.AvaxHome.ru

Lung Cancer
Editors: Frank V. Fossella, MD; Ritsuko Komaki, MD; Joe B. Putnam, Jr., MD
Publisher: Springer
PDF | 328 pages | 2,3mb | English language | ISBN 0387955070

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Margaret Barnett, «Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Care»
Wiley | ISBN 0470019840 | June 2006 | PDF | 224 Pages | 1,45 Mb (Uncompressed=2.50 Mb)

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Şifre: Spiderman

Hermes C. Grillo, «Surgery of the Trachea and Bronchi»
Publisher: B.C. Decker | ISBN: 1550090585 | September 2003 | Language: English | PDF | 23 Mb


Michael Bigby (Editor), Thomas Diepgen (Editor), Naldi (Editor), Hywel Williams (Editor), Andrew Herxheimer (Editor),
«Evidence Based Dermatology»
BMJ Publishing Group | ISBN: 0727914421 | April 2003 | 704 Pages | PDF | 24 Mb


Victor A. Bloomfield, Donald M. Crothers, Ignacio Tinoco, John E. Hearst, David E. Wemmer, Peter A. Killman, Douglas H. Turner,
«Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions»
ISBN: 0935702490 | Publisher: University Science Books | Publication Date: 2000-03 | Number Of Pages: 672 | DjVu | 10,5 MB

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Ursus-Nikolaus, M.D. Riede and Martin Werner,
«Color Atlas of Pathology: Pathologic Principles-Associated Diseases-Sequela»
Thieme Medical Publishers | ISBN 1588901173 | October 2004 | PDF | 475 Pages | 135 Mb




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Daniel Cukier, «Coping With Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy»
McGraw-Hill | ISBN: 0071444726 | November 2004 | 256 Pages | 1,84 Mb

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Mark R. Ezekiel, «Handbook of Anesthesiology, 2004-2005 Edition» (Current Clinical Strategies)
Current Clinical Strategies Publishing | ISBN: 192962249X | 185 Pages | October 2003 | PDF | 1,3 MB

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Eberhard Passarge, «Color Atlas of Genetics (Thieme Flexibook)»
ISBN: 0865779589 | Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers | Publication Date: 2001-03-15 | Number Of Pages: 457 | 28 MB | PDF


Phillip I. Good, «Common Errors in Statistics(and How to Avoid Them), Second Edition»
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | April 2006 | ISBN: 0471794317 | Pages: 272 | Format: PDF | Size: 1.6 MB


PCR Protocols, 2nd edition
edited by John M. S. Bartlett and David Stirling
Humana Press | ISBN 0896036278 | 2003 | PDF | 531 pages | 12.0 MB


Musculoskeletal Diseases: Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques
edited by Gustav K. von Schulthess, Christoph L. Zollikofer
Springer | ISBN 8847003180 | 2005 Year | 192 Pages | PDF | 4,1 MB

Cheryl M. Burgess (Editor), «Cosmetic Dermatology»
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 3540230645 | 2005-05-24 | 170 Pages | PDF | 4 MB

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L. R. Haaheim (Editor), J. R. Pattison (Editor), R. J. Whitley (Editor), «A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology»
ISBN: 0471950971 | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Publication Date: 2002-10-29 | Number Of Pages: 306 | PDF | 3,8 MB

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Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy: Methods and Protocols
edited by Curtis A. Machida
Humana Press | ISBN 1588290190 | 2002 | PDF | 606 pages | 4.4 MB


Kevin P. Hanretty, «Obstetrics Illustrated»
ISBN: 0443072671| Publisher: Churchill Livingstone| 2003-05-15 | Pages: 452 | PDF | 23,4 MB


David McKay Hart Jane Norman, «Gynaecology Illustrated»
ISBN: 044306198X | Publisher: Churchill Livingstone | Publication Date: 2000-07-15 | Number Of Pages: 443 | PDF | 17,2 MB


Walter Frontera / Julie Silver, «Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation»
Hanley & Belfus | ISBN 1560534435 | 1st edition (Dec 15, 2001) | PDB | 29.5 Mb | 836 pages


Author: Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer
Publisher: W. H. Freeman| ISBN: 0716746840 |Title: Biochemistry, 5th Edition, 2002-02| pages: 1100| PDF 26.18 MB

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Stem Cells and The Future Of Regenerative Medicine
National Academy Press | ISBN 0309076307 | 2002 | PDF | 94 pages | 3.9 MB


Title: Principles and Practice of Burn Surgery | Author: by Juan Barret-Nerin (Editor), David N. Herndon (Editor)
ISBN: 0824754530 | Publisher: Informa Healthcare | 2004-10-13| Pages: 424| PDF| 6.1MB

Anaesthesia for the High Risk Patient
265 pages| Publisher: Greenwich Medical Media; 1st edition (April 15, 2002) |ISBN: 1841100722 | Format: PDF| 1.1MB

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Wrist Arthroscopy
202 pages| Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (April 12, 2005)| Language: English| ISBN: 0387208976| Format: PDF| Size: 28.4MB


Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria
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Operative Surgery Manual
ISBN: 0721678645| Title: Operative Surgery Manual| Author: Vijay P. Khatri Juan A. Asensio| Publisher: Saunders| 2002-10-03| Pages: 352| Format:html | 2.3MB


Haimovici's Vascular Surgery, 5 edition
Blackwell Publishing | December 1, 2003 | English | ISBN: 0632044586 | PDF | 134 MB | 1240 pages





Advanced Field Procedures For Emergencies
224 pages| Publisher: Paladin Press (May 1993) | ISBN: 1581603908| PDF | 10 MB

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Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care A Guide for Essential Practice
ISBN: 924159084X | Author: Who|Publisher: World Health Organization| 2005-02| Pages: 178| PDF 1.7MB


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ISBN: 9241546220 | Publisher: World Health Organization| 2004-04-14| Pages: 316| PDF 3MB


Female Urology, Urogynecology, and Voiding Dys********
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Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders
ISBN: 0896038386| Publisher: Humana Press| 2001-06| Pages: 304| PDF 3.3MB

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Obstetrics and Gynecology An Illustrated Colour Text
ISBN: 044305035X| Publisher: Churchill Livingstone| 2003-12-04| Pages: 172| PDF 28.2MB


David Gawkrodger, «Dermatology: An Illustrated Colour Text»
ISBN: 0443071403 | Publisher: Churchill Livingstone | Publication Date: 2002-07-15 | Number Of Pages: 138 | PDF | 27,7 MB

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John Hunter John Savin Mark V. Dahl, «Clinical Dermatology»
ISBN: 0632059168 | Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Limited | Publication Date: 2002-11-01 | Number Of Pages: 376 | PDF | 29,4 MB

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Abdominal X-Rays Made Easy (Made Easy)
ISBN: 0443062056| Author: James D. Begg| Publisher: Churchill Livingstone| 1999-11-15| Pages: 192| PDF 11.2MB

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Friedrich Anton Pasler, «Color Atlas of Dental Medicine»
ISBN: 0865774609 | Publisher: George Thieme Verlag | Publication Date: 1998-01 | Number Of Pages: 266 | PDF | 42,6 MB


Clinical Problems in General Medicine and Surgery
ISBN: 0443073236| Author: Peter Devitt Juliet Barker Jon Mitchell Christian Hamilton-Craig| Publisher: Churchill Livingstone| 2003-09-08| Pages: 400| PDF | 63MB





Principles of Molecular Oncology
edited by Migual H. Bronchud, Maryann Foote, William P Peters, Murray O. Robinson 
Humana Press | ISBN 0-89603-581-6 | 2000 | PDF | 452 pages | 2.8 MB

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Yeni Tıp Kitapları... (Kasım 2006 - Bölüm 2)


Kasım ayında pek çok tıp kitabı bizlerin indirip, kullanması için yüklenmiş durumda.. Ben de iki kısma ayırıp, sunmayı tercih ettim... Bunlar Kasım ayının ikinci yarısında linkleri verilen tıp kitapları..

C. Brambilla (Editor), «Molecular Imaging of the Lungs»
ISBN: 1574448544 | Publisher: Informa Healthcare | Publication Date: 2005-05-23 | Number Of Pages: 480 | PDF | 10 MB


Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice
ISBN: 1852338113| Author: Hashim Hashim John Reynard Nigel Cowan| Publisher: Springer| 2004-10-29| Pages: 189| PDF 2.3MB


K. Weng Sehu William R. Lee, «Ophthalmic Pathology: An Illustrated Guide for Clinicians» 
ISBN: 072791779X | Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group | Publication Date: 2005-09-01 | Number Of Pages: 288 | PDF | 45,1 MB


Ricki Lewis, «Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications» 
ISBN: 0072951745 | Publisher: McGraw-Hill | Publication Date: 2004-02-27 | 6 edition (February 27, 2004) | Number Of Pages: 440 | PDF | 79,5 MB


Kenneth B. Gordon (Editor) and Eric M. Ruderman (Editor),
«Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: An Integrated Approach»
Springer | ISBN: 3540212809 | May 2005 | PDF | 258 Pages | 4,84 Mb


Şifre: Lekar

John T. Daugirdas (Editor), Todd S. Ing, Peter G. Blake, «Handbook of Dialysis»
ISBN: 0316173819 | Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Publication Date: 2000-12-15 | Number Of Pages: 752 | PDB | 2,7 MB


The Clinical Use of Blood Handbook
ISBN: 9241545399| Author: Who| Publisher: who| 2001-01-01| pages: 219| PDF 1.3MB

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Jane K. Setlow (Editor), «Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods»
Springer | ISBN 0387258558 | 1 edition (October 24, 2005) | PDF | 2.9 Mb | 262 pages


Şifre: 632zzt

Harold Becher,«Handbook of Contrast Echocardiography»
Springer | ISBN 3540670831 | PDF | 1,88 Mb | 184 Pages | 2000 Year

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Comprehensive Textbook Of Psychiatry, 7 edition
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | CD-Rom | English | ISBN: 0781721415 | 82.5 MB


Şifre: Lekar

Principles and Practice of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 3rd Edition - CD
Hardcover: 2477 pages - Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 3rd Bk&Cdr edition (September 2002)Language: English - ISBN: 0781742455 - Format ISO (ISO Maker v1.7) - Size: 332 MB Aprox.

Physician's Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2006 - CD
Jones & Bartlett Publishers - Language: English - ISBN: 0763740195
Format ISO (ISO Maker v1.7) - Size 39.1 MB Aprox.
The Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer: A Guide to Cancer and Its Treatments, 1st & 2nd ed.
1st ed.: edited by Ellen Thackery | ISBN 0787656097 | 2001 | PDF | 1239 pages | 12.1 MB
2nd ed.: edited by Jacqueline L. Longe | ISBN 1414403623 | 2005 | PDF | 1419 pages | 26.2 MB



Steven T. Rosen, «Head and Neck Cancer» (Cancer Treatment and Research)
Springer | ISBN: 1402073364 | Format: PDF | Size: 10.30 MB | Pages: 392


Şifre: Lekar

Joseph T. DiPiro, Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael Posey, Pharmacotherapy, 6 Edition
ISBN 0071416137 | McGraw-Hill Medical | May 2005 | 2802 Pages | PDF | 28 MB (Decrypted)


Textbook of Perinatal Medicine, Second Edition (Two Volumes)
Authors: Asim Kurjak (Editor), Frank A. Chervenak (Editor) 
Publisher: Informa Healthcare,PDF | 2304 pages | 78mb or 3x22mb+12mb | English language | ISBN 1842143336


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Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders (Two Volume Set)
Edited by Stacey Blachford
Thomson Gale | ISBN 0787656127 | 2002 | PDF | 9.7 MB

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  Alıntı ile Cevapla


Forensic Pathology, Second Edition
Author: Vincent J. M. Di Maio / Dominick Dimaio
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/re...N%2F084930072X

Product Details
pages: 592 pages
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 084930072X
Average Customer Review: Based on 3 review(s).
Format: PDF
Size: 107 MB
Supplier: Amazon
Medicolegal investigation of death is the most crucial and significant function of the medical examiner within the criminal justice system. The medical examiner is primarily concerned with violent, sudden, unexpected, and suspicious deaths and is responsible for determining the cause and manner of death, identifying the deceased, determining the approximate time of death and injury, collecting evidence from the body, issuing the death certificate, and documenting these events through an official autopsy report. The basis of the medicolegal investigation is forensic pathology.Written for both medical and investigative professionals, Forensic Pathology, Second Edition presents an overview of medicolegal investigative systems. Completely updated, the book examines investigative techniques and procedures that lead to obtaining accurate conclusions of death by homicide, accident, or suicide.


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Pharmacology, 5th Edition 
Author: H. P. Rang / M. M. Dale / J. M. Ritter / P. K. Moore

Product Details
pages: 797 pages
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
ISBN: 0443071454
Format: N/A
Size: 41 Mb Approx
Publication Date: July 2003, 5th Edition
Amazon Rating: 5.0
Supplier: Amazon
This highly acclaimed textbook is a worldwide bestseller, recognized for its emphasis on the mechanisms by which drugs act at the cellular and molecular levels and how that relates to their overall pharmacological effects and clinical uses. The 5th Edition includes four new chapters, a reorganized and expanded section on treatments for infections and cancer, and thorough updates throughout that explore new treatments and advances in molecular biology that may lead to future therapeutic options for cancer, HIV infection, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative disorders, erectile dysfunction, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiac failure, and more.
User-friendly features include:
new chapter overviews
reviews of relevant physiology and biochemistry
boxed key points and clinical uses
references and reading lists
a new full-color art program
and new "small print" sections that separate the more complex material from the main discussion thread in each chapter, leaving the depth of coverage to the reader's discretion.
The smart way to study!
Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.


şifre : AboJim

Oxford Textbook of Oncology

ISBN: 0192629263
Title: Oxford Textbook of Oncology (2 volume set)
Author: Robert Souhami (Editor), Ian Tannock (Editor), Peter Hohenberger (Editor), Jean-Claude Horiot (Editor) 
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Publication Date: 2001-12-01
Number Of Pages: 2852

The Oxford Textbook of Oncology provides the definitive, international reference on clinical cancer medicine. It combines the experience of the world's leading cancer experts, particularly from leading European centres of excellence, with an approach that emphasizes the importance of the best clinical evidence: the guidelines to management are based on the sum of all the available evidence. For rare tumours, where clinical experience is the main guide to treatment, the editors have ensured that options and alternatives are discussed. There are major sections on all cancer sites, and in each section investigation, epidemiology, pathology, causes and treatment are covered in a consistent manner to aid reference. There is a new international team of editors for the second edition, representing oncology, radiotherapy and surgery. Two-thirds of the text has been entirely rewritten. The chapters have been carefully reviewed to ensure that they are clear and concise. Quality-of-life and psychosocial issues, palliation, and communication are given fuller treatment. Early chapters describe the processes underlying cancer; the information on the molecular and cellular biology of cancer and their practical impact on diagnosis and investigative procedures have been extensively revised and updated. The sections on the scientific basis of cancer treatment include the principles of the use of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and biological therapies. There are substantial new sections on adolescent cancer, cancer as a genetic disease, and melanoma and skin cancer and the extensive section on breast cancer is now in proportion to the importance and frequency of this disease. The many clear illustrations are prepared to a consistently high quality. The Oxford Textbook will be the reference work of choice for oncologists, both in practice and in training, all over the world. It will also be an important reference work for generalists who need to understand modern cancer management as part of their practice. 



Archive for the Medical eBook category


Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function 

Posted in Medical eBook by linus 

Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function aims to link basic aspects of the activity of neurotransmitters at the receptor and synaptic level with their role in normal brain function, disease states, and drug action. Thus, the material considers to what extent our knowledge of the central synaptic action of certain drugs can explain their possible roles in the cause of diseases and in the modes of action of drugs effective in those conditions.
It offers a working explanation of drug and neurotransmitter action in CNS function, with a clear, comprehensive, and challenging style of writing. The authors review the chemical basis for drugs and the conditions they treat. It also, includes numerous illustrations and schematic diagrams.
#Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function
#ISBN: 0471978191
#Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
#Publication Date: 2001-11-15
#Pages: 534
#Filetype: PDF
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Tag: Medical eBook comments See also in Medical eBook 


Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 
Widely acknowledged as the definitive reference source of its kind, Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases is backin a new 6th Edition! Authored by a whos who of experts from around the world, this 2-volume set encompasses all that is currently known about the epidemiology, etiology, pathology, microbiology, immunology, and treatment of infectious agents. Completely revised and updatedand with a bold, new 4-color formatit is a complete, essential compendium of knowledge on this vast and complex subject.
Now includes a bound-in CD-ROM containing all of the images from the book available for PowerPoint download.
#Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set
#ISBN: 0443066434
#Author: John E. Bennett
#Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
#Publication Date: 2004-10-22
#Number Of Pages: 4000
#Average Amazon Rating: 5.0
#File Type: CHM
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Tag: Uncategorized comments See also in Medical eBook 


Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text, 3rd edition 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 
The 3rd Edition of this popular volume in the Illustrated Colour Text series uses a practical, clinical approach to focus on exactly what practitioners need to know to understand, order and interpret laboratory results. All aspects of biochemistry relevant to patient care are covered. Each topic appears on its own two-page spread to make the information easy-to-understand. Flowcharts, boxes, summary points, case histories, and a wealth of illustrations facilitate comprehension and bring the subject to life. Completely updated and revised throughout, it encompasses our understanding of all of the latest developments in the field and their implications for patient care.
#Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text, 3rd edition
#ISBN: 0443072698
#Author: Allan Gaw, Robert Cowan, Denis O’Reilly, Michael Stewart, James Shepherd
#Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
#Publication Date: 2004-09-07
#Number Of Pages: 180
#Average Amazon Rating: 5.0
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Tag: Uncategorized comments See also in Medical eBook 


Most interesting books on medicine! 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 

Most interesting books on medicine!
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Tag: Uncategorized comments See also in Medical eBook 


Surgical Critical Care, Second Edition 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 

Presenting current perspectives on the physiology and metabolism of the critically ill, this reference demonstrates practical approaches for the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care of the critically ill patient with an abundance of clearly laid-out figures, case studies, graphs, and charts.
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Tag: Uncategorized comments See also in Medical eBook 


Clinical Medicine, 6th edition 2005 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 

Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine is a comprehensive and authoritative single-volume textbook of internal medicine that is consulted by students and doctors throughout the world. Its aim is to explain the management of disease, based on an understanding of scientific principles and including the latest developments in treatment. It is written for medical students and doctors preparing for specialist exams, and is an ideal general reference text for all practising doctors. The new edition is part of Elsevier’s new STUDENT CONSULT electronic community. STUDENT CONSULT titles comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, questions and answers, online note-taking, and integration links to content in other disciplines - ideal for problem-based learning.
ISBN: 0702027634
Title: Clinical Medicine, 6th edition 2005, October
Author: Parveen Kumar, Michael Clark
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company
Publication Date: 2005-10-07
Number Of Pages: 1528
Average Amazon Rating: 4.0
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Tag: Uncategorized comments See also in Medical eBook 


Treating Pediatric Bed-wetting with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 

Treating Pediatric Bed-wetting with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Auther: Robert Helmer
Publishers: Blue Poppy Press
ISBN 1891845330
March 2006
File Type: PDF
Page: 238 Pages
Size 1,30 Mb
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Tag: Medical eBook comments See also in Medical eBook 


Patient Satisfaction: Understanding and Managing the Experience of Care, Second Edition 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 

Irwin Press, «Patient Satisfaction: Understanding and Managing the Experience of Care, Second Edition»
Health Administration Press | ISBN 1567932509 | December 2005 | PDF | 263 Pages | 5,5 Mb
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Tag: Medical eBook comments See also in Medical eBook 


Clinical Epidemiology 

Posted in Medical eBook by Admin 

Robert Fletcher, «Clinical Epidemiology» (3nd edition)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN 0-683-03269-0 | 1996| PDF | 5,7 Mb | 283 Pages
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Tag: Medical eBook comments See also in Medical eBook 

Paediatric Respiratory Reviews

Şifre: lunachat 

Mimi Zeiger, «Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers»
McGraw-Hill Professional | ISBN: 0071345442 | 2 edition (September 30, 1999) | 440 pages | CHM | 2.9 Mb

Product Details
»Book Publisher: Springer (26 July, 2006)
»ISBN: 3540314105
»Book author: Barry B. Halliwell, Henrik E. Poulsen

Product Details
»Book Publisher: S. Karger AG (Switzerland) (07 October, 2005)
»ISBN: 3805579608
»Book author: Andrew Bush, Eric W. F. W. Alton, Jane C. Davies, Uta Griesenbach, Adam Jaffe

Tuberculosis 2007 (From Basic Science to Patient Care)

Ramzi S. Cotran, Stanley L. Robbins, Vinay Kumar , «Robbins Basic Pathology, 7th Edition»
W.B. Saunders Company | ISBN: 0721692745 | 7th edition (June 15, 2002) | 873 pages | CHM | 115 Mb


Hypertension Medicine (Current Clinical Practice) by Michael A Weber 
Humana Press; 1st edition | 2001 Year | 0896037886 ISBN | PDF | 461 pages | 2,1 Mb

Practical Handbook of Laboratory Hemostasis for Pathologists by Sterling Bennett
Springer | 2007 Year | 038736838 ISBN | PDF | 256 pages | 1,7 Mb

Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine by Mitchell G Scott
Wiley | 2007 | 0471714577 | 679 pages | PDF | 4,4 MB

David G. Nathan, «The Cancer Treatment Revolution: How Smart Drugs and 
Other New Therapies are Renewing Our Hope and Changing the Face of Medicine»

Wiley | ISBN: 0471946540 | 1 edition (March 30, 2007) | 272 pages | PDF | 1.8 Mb

David G. Gardner, Dolores M. Shoback«Greenspan's Basic & Clinical Endocrinology»
McGraw-Hill Medical | ISBN 0071440119 | 2007-01-19 | CHM | 13.51 Mb | 960 Pages

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Frances Talaska Fischbach«Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing 6th Edition»
ISBN 0781719690 | 1999-12-01 | PDB | 1.1 Mb | 1295 Pages

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Frank D. Gunstone / John L. Harwood / Albert J. Dijkstra, «The Lipid Handbook, Third Edition»
CRC | ISBN: 0849396883 | 3 edition (March 13, 2007) | 1472 pages | PDF | 11.5 Mb

Debasis Bagchi, Harry G. Preuss, «Obesity: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Prevention (Modern Nutrition Science)»
CRC | ISBN: 0849338026 | 1 edition (March 7, 2007) | 592 pages | PDF | 6 Mb

Robert V. Stick, «Carbohydrates: The Sweet Molecules of Life»
Academic Press | ISBN: 0126709602 | 2001-03-15 | 256 pages | PDF | 9 Mb

Günter Obe, Vijayalaxmi , «Chromosomal Alterations: Methods, Results and Importance in Human Health»
Springer | ISBN: 3540714138 | 1 edition (August 2007) | 457 pages | PDF | 13 Mb

Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: An Introduction (Statistics for Biology and Health) by Warren J. Ewens
Publisher: Springer; 2 edition (September 30, 2005) | 0387400826 | 615Pages | PDF | 4.09MB

 ya da 

Charles J. Love, «Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators, 2nd Edition»
Landes Bioscience | ISBN: 1570596913 | Second edition (June 1, 2006) | 174 pages | PDF | 7.4 Mb

Thomas Andreoli / Charles Carpenter / Robert Griggs / Joseph Loscalzo, «Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 6th Edition»
Saunders | ISBN: 0721601472 | 6 edition (December 12, 2003) | 1216 pages | CHM | 32.5 Mb

Burn Care (Vademecum) 
Publisher: Landes Bioscience | ISBN : 1570595267 | Pages: 131 | 1999-09-15 | PDF | 1 MB

Title: Difficult Decisions in Thoracic Surgery: An Evidence-Based Approach
Author: Mark K. Ferguson

Publisher:Springer | ISBN:1846283841 | Pages:532 | 2006-12-15 | PDF | 6.2 MB

 ya da 

Şifre: oRzX

«Insulin Resistance: Insulin Action and its Disturbances in Disease»
Sudhesh Kumar, Stephen O'Rahilly | Wiley | ISBN: 0470850086 | 2005-01-14 | 616 pages | PDF | 3.7 Mb

«Tutorials in Biostatistics: Volume 1 - Statistical Methods in Clinical Studies»
Ralph D'Agostino | Wiley | ISBN: 0470023651 | 2004-12-17 | 466 pages | PDF | 18.2 Mb

«Tutorials in Biostatistics: Volume 2: Statistical Modelling of Complex Medical Data»
Ralph D'Agostino | Wiley | ISBN: 0470023708 | 2004-12-17 | 496 pages | PDF | 13.6 Mb

Title:Sutureless anastomoses: Secrets for success 
Publisher:Steinkopff-Verlag Darmstadt | ISBN:3798517142 | Pages:140 | 2007-01 | PDF | 3.77MB

Title:Applied Physiology in Intensive Care Medicine 
Publisher:Springer | ISBN:3540373616 | Pages:378 | 2006-11-14 | PDF | 5.35 MB

David Whitford, «Proteins: Structure and Function»
Wiley | ISBN: 0471498947 | 2005-05-20 | 542 pages | PDF | 31 Mb

N.V. Bhagavan," Medical Biochemistry, 4/e "
Academic Press | ISBN: 0120954400 | 4th edition (July, 2001) | 1060 pages | PDF | 88 MB

Title:A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Infectious Disease 
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Pages:250|2004-09-01 | ISBN:0781755840 | CHM | 5.97 MB

Title:Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma
Thieme Medical Publishers | Pages:565 | 2001-01-15 | ISBN:0865779198 | PDF | 3.62 MB

Title:Manual of Clinical Problems in Infectious Diseases
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins|Pages:562|2005-10-01|ISBN:0781759293| CHM | 1.5 MB

Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: Diseases of the Fetus and Infant, 2 Volume Set
Authors: Richard Martin, Avroy Fanaroff, Michele Walsh | Publisher: Mosby

ISBN: 0323029663 | 8th edition 2005 | CHM, 1953 pages | english | 58 MB

 ya da 

Title:Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook
Author:Joyce H Lowinson, Pedro Ruiz, Robert B Millman, John G Langrod

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Pages:1200 | 2004-10-01 | ISBN: 0781734746 | CHM | 9.54 MB


Operative Techniques in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Author:Conor P Delaney, Paul Neary, Alexander G Heriot, Anthony J Senagore

Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Pages:224 | 2006-08-01 | ISBN:0781766346 | CHM | 19.25 MB

A Practical Guide to Cardiac Pacing by H. Weston Moses, James C Mullin
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN 0781788811 | 2007-01-01 | CHM | 240 pages | 5 Mb

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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (01 February, 2007), ISBN: 0781757657
David P Naidich, W. Richard Webb, Nestor L Müller, Ioannis Vlahos, Glenn A Krinsky




Şifre: eswar 

The Washington Manual(R) Pulmonology Subspecialty Consult by Adrian Shifren
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins| ISBN-10: 0781743761 | 2006-05-01 | CHM | 304 pages | 1.5 MB

 ya da 

L. R Kaiser,I. L Kron, & T. L Spray,«Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2e»
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN: 0781752094 | 2nd edition (October 1, 2006 )| 1088 pages | CHM | 87.8 MB

 ya da  

 ya da 


Ivan M. Roitt / Peter J. Delves, «Roitt's Essential Immunology, 10th Edition»
Blackwell Publishing | ISBN: 0632059028 | 10 edition (July 1, 2001) | 496 pages | PDF | 67 Mb

George Ball, «Vitamins: Their Role in the Human Body»
Blackwell Publishing | ISBN: 0632064781 | 2004-11-01 | 448 pages | PDF | 5 Mb

P. F. Basch, "Textbook of International Health"
Oxford University Press | ISBN 0195132041 | 2nd edition (July 31, 1999) | 555 pages | PDF | 2.41 MB

 ya da  

 ya da 

ISBN: 1-57059-496-1 | 378 pp | PDF | RS |Puplisher Lander Bioscience | 2001 | 17 MB

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis
Author:Huw Llewelyn, Hock Aun Ang, Keir E. Lewis, Anees Al-Abdulla

Publisher:Oxford University Press, USA | ISBN:0192632493 | Pages:728 | 2006-03-21 | CHM | 1.05 MB

Oxford Handbook of Urology 
Author:John Reynard, Simon Brewster, Suzanne Biers,

Publisher:Oxford University Press, USA | Pages:698 | 2005-12-09 | ISBN:0198530951 | CHM | 10.84 MB

«Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, 3/e»
By A.Davison, S. Cameron, C. Ponticelli, J. P. Grunfeld, and C. Van Ypersele,

Oxford University Press | ISBN: 0198508247 | 3rd edition (April 1, 2005) |3048 pages | CHM | 201.6 MB




C. P. Cannon,& P. T. O'Gara, «Critical Pathways in Cardiovascular Medicine (Board Review Series)»
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN:0781794390 | 2nd edition (October 1, 2006) | 336 pages | CHM | 11.4 MB

 ya da  
 ya da 

The Metabolic Syndrome (Practical Diabetes) by Christopher Byrne
Wiley | 2005 | 0470025115 | 432 pages | PDF | 4.5 MB

John H Wasson / Timothy B. Walsh / Mary C. LaBrecque / Harold C. Sox / Robert Pantell, «The Common Symptom Guide»
McGraw-Hill Professional | ISBN: 0071377654 | 5 edition (January 28, 2002) | 377 pages | CHM | 2.6 Mb

M.B. Mengel,& L.P.Schwiebert, «Family Medicine: Ambulatory Care & Prevention, 4/e»
McGraw-Hill Medical | ISBN: 0071423222 | 4 edition (November 1, 2004) | 720 pages | CHM | 8.42 MB

 ya da  

 ya da  


Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and AIDS 
Author:Richard Pattman, Michael Snow, Pauline Handy, K. Nathan Sankar, Babiker Elawad

Publisher:Oxford University Press, USA | Pages:580 | 2005-08-23 | ISBN: 0198520778 | CHM | 3.39 MB

W. F. Ganong - Review of Medical Physiology, 21st Edition
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional , Lange Medical Books | ISBN: 0071402365 | 21st. Edition 2003 | chm, 912 pages | english | 23 MB

 ya da 

Kenneth J Koval / Joseph D Zuckerman, «Handbook of Fractures, 3rd Edition»
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN: 0781790093 | 3rd edition (March 1, 2006) | 440 pages | CHM | 19.8 Mb

Lisa Marcucci, Elizabeth Martinez, Elliott Haut, Anthony Slonim, Jose Suarez, «Avoiding Common ICU Errors»
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN: 0781767393 | 1 edition (November 1, 2006) | 896 pages | CHM | 5.4 Mb

F.Kuhn, & D.J. Pieramici,«Ocular Trauma: The Essentials »
Thieme | ISBN: 1588900754 | December 15, 2001 | 464 pages | PDF | 18901 KB

 ya da 

 ya da 

M.Hutson, & R. Ellis,«Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine »
Oxford University Press | ISBN: 0192630504 | November 10, 2005 | 560 pages | PDF | 37.6 KB

 ya da 

Jamie H Von Roenn / Michael Preodor, «Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Pain (Lange Current Series)» 
McGraw-Hill Medical | ISBN: 0071444785 | 1 edition (May 23, 2006) | 364 pages | CHM | 3.5 Mb 

M.B. Mengel,& L.P.Schwiebert, «Family Medicine: Ambulatory Care & Prevention, 4/e»
McGraw-Hill Medical | ISBN: 0071423222 | 4 edition (November 1, 2004) | 720 pages | CHM | 8.42 MB

 ya da  

 ya da 

Diana Nicoll / Stephen J. McPhee / Michael Pignone, «Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 4th Edition»
McGraw-Hill Medical | ISBN: 0071411844 | 4 edition (September 10, 2003) | 500 pages | CHM | 6 Mb

R. Rubin, & D. S. Strayer, " Rubin's Pathology: Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine 5/e "
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins| ISBN: 0781795168 | 5th edition (March 1, 2007)| 1456 pages | CHM | 284 MB




Şifre: eswar

E. Wahlberg, P. Olofsson, & J. Goldstone, " Emergency Vascular Surgery: A Practical Guide "
Springer | ISBN: 3540443932 | 1st edition (July, 2007) | 200 pages | PDF | 9.5 MB MB

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neslon textbook of pediatrics 18 th edition 

Book Description
For nearly three quarters of a century, Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics has been the world's most trusted resource for best approaches to pediatric care. Now in full color for easier referencing, this New Edition continues the tradition, incorporating a wealth of exciting updates and changesensuring you have access to today's authoritative knowledge to best diagnose and treat every pediatric patient you see. Whether you're treating patients in the office or in the hospital, or preparing for the boards, Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18th Edition is your comprehensive guide to providing the best possible care. 

Book Info
Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, and Univ. of California, San Francisco. Brandon/Hill Medical List minimal-core and first-purchase selection (#443). Major, comprehensive reference/textbook for students, residents, and practitioners. Previous edition: c1996. Includes expanded and new chapters and color plates. DNLM: Pediatrics. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. 

Product Details

Hardcover: 3200 pages 
Publisher: Saunders; 18 edition (July 11, 2007) 
Language: English 
ISBN-10: 1416024506 
ISBN-13: 978-1416024507 
Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.9 x 3.7 inches 
Shipping Weight: 12 pounds 


pls visit www.medishared.com for the other links

Kaplan NCLEX-RN Exam 2007-2008

Kaplan NCLEX-RN Exam 2007-2008 (with CD-ROM): Strategies for the Registered Nursing Licensing Exam (NCLEX-RN (Kaplan))
By Judith Burckhardt,&nbspBarbara J. Irwin, 

* Publisher: Kaplan Publishing
* Number Of Pages: 368
* Publication Date: 2007-02-06
* Sales Rank: 1091
* ISBN / ASIN: 1419550985
* EAN: 9781419550980
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Kaplan Publishing
* Studio: Kaplan Publishing
* Average Rating: 5
* Total Reviews: 9

Book Description:


*Two practice tests (one in the book and one on the CD-ROM)

*Detailed answer explanations

*In-depth analysis of NCLEX-RN exam question types

*Online question bank

Date: 2007-10-23 Rating: 5

Kaplan NCLEX review book

This book is awesome. I wish I had knew about it when I first started nursing school. This book gives you the an insider view of the test so you can know how to look and questions on the NCLEX-RN and how to approach answering the questions.



PW: Code:

Handbook of Models for Human Aging (US$265.50)

Handbook of Models for Human Aging

* Publisher: Academic Press
* Number Of Pages: 1075
* Publication Date: 2006-02-24
* Sales Rank: 1843126
* ISBN / ASIN: 0123693918
* EAN: 9780123693914
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Academic Press
* Studio: Academic Press
* Average Rating: 0
* Total Reviews: 0

Book Description:

This Handbook is designed as the only comprehensive work available that covers the diversity of aging models currently available. For each animal model, it presents key aspects of biology, nutrition, factors affecting life span, methods of age determination, use in research, and disadvantages/advantes of use. Chapters on comparative models take a broad sweep of age-related diseases, from Alzheimer's to joint disease, cataracts, cancer, and obesity. In addition, there is an historical overview and discussion of model availability, key methods, and ethical issues.

*Utilizes a multidisciplinary approach
*Shows tricks and approaches not available in primary publications
*First volume of its kind to combine both methods of study for human aging and animal models
*Over 200 illustrations




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Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects IV (US$201)

Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects IV

* Publisher: Elsevier Science
* Number Of Pages: 500
* Publication Date: 2001-11-01
* Sales Rank: 3241523
* ISBN / ASIN: 0080440673
* EAN: 9780080440675
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
* Studio: Elsevier Science
* Average Rating: 0
* Total Reviews: 0

Book Description:

This collected volume of authoritative articles represents the state-of-the-art in arsenic research. Arsenic experts from around the world, participants in the Fourth International Conference on Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects organized by the Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health in 2000, present their critical findings.

A vital contribution to arsenic study and policy making, this volume examines the global impact of the toxin and discusses arsenic in the environment, mechanisms of arsenic metabolism and carcinogenesis, water treatment technology, and medical care. Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects offers informed, challenging insights into a highly important and controversial topic.



PW: Code:


Elsevier's Dictionary of Medicine and Biology (US$225)

Elsevier's Dictionary of Medicine and Biology: in English, Greek, German, Italian and Latin
By G. Konstantinidis

* Publisher: Elsevier Science
* Number Of Pages: 2590
* Publication Date: 2005-10-03
* Sales Rank: 968343
* ISBN / ASIN: 0444514406
* EAN: 9780444514400
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
* Studio: Elsevier Science
* Average Rating: 5
* Total Reviews: 1

Book Description:

Dictionaries are didactic books used as consultation instruments for self-teaching. They are composed by an ordered set of linguistic units which reflects a double structure, the macrostructure which correspond to the word list and the microstructure that refers to the contents of each lemma. The great value of dictionaries nests in the fact that they establish a standard nomenclature and prevent in that way the appearance of new useless synonyms.
This dictionary contains a total of about 27.500 main English entries, and over of 130.000 translations that should normally sufficiently cover all fields of life sciences. The basic criteria used to accept a word a part of the dictionary during the development period in order of importance were usage, up-to-dateness, specificity, simplicity and conceptual relationships. The dictionary meets the standards of higher education and covers all main fields of life sciences by setting its primary focus on the vastly developing fields of cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, developmental biology, microbiology, genetics and also the fields of human anatomy, histology, pathology, physiology, zoology and botany.
The fields of ecology, paleontology, systematics, evolution, biostatistics, plant physiology, plant anatomy, plant histology, biometry and lab techniques have been sufficiently covered but in a more general manner. The latest Latin international anatomical terminology "Terminologia Anatomica" or "TA" has been fully incorporated and all anatomical entries have been given their international Latin TA synonym. This dictionary will be a valuable and helpful tool for all scientists, teachers, students and generally all those that work within the fields of life sciences.



ncyclopedia of Infectious Diseases (US$175)

Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases: Modern Methodologies

* Publisher: Wiley
* Number Of Pages: 747
* Publication Date: 2007-07-27
* Sales Rank: 541646
* ISBN / ASIN: 0471657328
* EAN: 9780471657323
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Wiley
* Studio: Wiley
* Average Rating: 0
* Total Reviews: 0

Book Description:

Discover how the application of novel multidisciplinary, integrative approaches and technologies are dramatically changing our understanding of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases and their treatments. Each article presents the state of the science, with a strong emphasis on new and emerging medical applications.

The Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases is organized into five parts. The first part examines current threats such as AIDS, malaria, SARS, and influenza. The second part addresses the evolution of pathogens and the relationship between human genetic diversity and the spread of infectious diseases. The next two parts highlight the most promising uses of molecular identification, vector control, satellite detection, surveillance, modeling, and high-throughput technologies. The final part explores specialized topics of current concern, including bioterrorism, world market and infectious diseases, and antibiotics for public health.

Each article is written by one or more leading experts in the field of infectious diseases. These experts place all the latest findings from various disciplines in context, helping readers understand what is currently known, what the next generation of breakthroughs is likely to be, and where more research is needed. Several features facilitate research and deepen readers' understanding of infectious diseases:

* Illustrations help readers understand the pathogenesis and diagnosis of infectious diseases
* Lists of Web resources serve as a gateway to important research centers, government agencies, and other sources of information from around the world
* Information boxes highlight basic principles and specialized terminology
* International contributions offer perspectives on how infectious diseases are viewed by different cultures
* A special chapter discusses the representation of infectious diseases in art With its multidisciplinary approach, this encyclopedia helps point researchers in new promising directions and helps health professionals better understand the nature and treatment of infectious diseases.


PW: Code:

Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine (US$245)

Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine

* Publisher: Wiley
* Number Of Pages: 780
* Publication Date: 2007-06-15
* Sales Rank: 862664
* ISBN / ASIN: 0470093137
* EAN: 9780470093139
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Wiley
* Studio: Wiley
* Average Rating: 
* Total Reviews: 

Book Description:

The long awaited second edition of Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine provides an invaluable guide to all areas of drug development and medical aspects of marketing. The title has been extensively revised and expanded to include the latest regulatory and scientific developments. New chapters include:

* European Regulations
* Ethics of Pharmaceutical Medicine
* Licensing and Due Diligence
* Pharmacogenomics 

Encompassing the entire spectrum of pharmaceutical medicine, it is the most up-to-date international guide currently available.

Review of the first edition:

“This book was a joy to read and a joy to review. All pharmaceutical physicians should have a copy on their bookshelves, all pharmaceutical companies should have copies in their libraries.”

Download Description:

"This is an international guide to all areas of drug development and medical aspects of marketing. Both the regulatory and scientific aspects of the speciality of pharmaceutical medicine have evolved rapidly in recent years and Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine assesses the current status of the field as well as giving some prospectus of how things may develop in the future. Provides a refresher for the expert and an essential foundation for the novice; outlines an academic framework for good practice; This is an excellent source of information for all those practising pharmaceutical medicine - pharmaceutical physicians, regulatory physicians, clinical researchers, marketing executives, research nurses. It covers essential information for those studying for diplomas in pharmaceutical medicine and related fields and for specialists fulfilling requirements for continuing medical education. Includes: Overview of Pharmaceutical Medicine; Pharmaceutical medicine as a medical speciality; What pharmaceutical medicine is and who does it; Competency-based training system for clinical research staff; Drug Discovery and Development; Pharmaceutics; Informed consent;Good Clinical Practices; Drug Registration; US Regulations; Japanese Regulations; Ethnic Issues in Drug Registration; Medical Services; Drug Surveillance; Publishing Clinical Trials; Legal and Ethical Aspects; Pharmaceutical product liability; Patents; Business Aspects; Financial Principles of clinical trials; Third World; Multinational Corporations"


PW: Code:

welve-Lead Electrocardiography: Theory and Interpretation 

Twelve-Lead Electrocardiography: Theory and Interpretation
By D. Bruce Foster

* Publisher: Springer
* Number Of Pages: 172
* Publication Date: 2007-03-19
* Sales Rank: 1836125
* ISBN / ASIN: 1846285925
* EAN: 9781846285929
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Springer
* Studio: Springer
* Average Rating: 
* Total Reviews: 

Book Description:

Twelve Lead Electrocardiography: Theory and Interpretation is a revised 2nd edition of Twelve Lead Electrocardiography for ACLS Providers, originally published in 1996. Twelve Lead Electrocardiography for ACLS Providers deals solely with the analysis of the shape (morphology) of ECG waveforms in order to diagnose many conditions not related to rhythm, including ischemia, acute myocardial infarction, and enlargement of heart muscle (hypertrophy). It is aimed at students who already have a familiarity with the analysis of heart rhythms. Almost all other texts of morphologic interpretation for non-cardiologists rely heavily on memorizing electrocardiographic patterns. Memorizing is difficult, and long term retention of memorized data is low. This book is unique because it leads the reader through a set of discrete building blocks of easily understood electrophysiologic principles, and then allows the reader to deduce what the 12 lead electrocardiogram will look like under various circumstances. There are no memorizing patterns. Retention is greatly enhanced, and more importantly, the reader becomes a more competent interpreter of 12 lead electrocardiograms. 


PW: Code:

Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology by David J. Driscoll
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins| ISBN-10: 0781785006 | 2006-04-01| CHM | 192 pages | 10 MB

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